
Does anyone hate immature people?

by  |  earlier

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I work at a grocery store and a lady came through my aisle and her Kotex pads and tampons weren't ringing up right. The girl who was bagging for me checked the price, they lady thought they were 2/$5 instead of 5.99 a box. The lady apologized for causing a problem and I told her that it definately wasn't a problem. I told her if that was happening to me I'd do the same especially because it seems like a great deal. She had her son with her, he was probably 17 and he laughed like a five year old.

I honestly don't know what was funny about the statement I made... do you? I honestly want someone to explain this to me. I wasn't being gross or vulgar... I just said it was a good deal.

Do you ever get fed up with immature people? Vent here!




  1. oh i hear ya!! i would've been irritated too!! you know how teenage boys are though, everything is a joke. his mom should've smacked him upside his head =)

  2. Ok I can probably see why he laughed(but not like a 5 yr old tho) due to the comment you made to your co worker.

    But honestly YES I hate immature people. I mean I love to have fun and some stupid stuff does amuse me but all in all if a person who is in a birthing class laughs when the instructor says p***s or v****a it does tend to nerve me a bit.  I honestly just don't see how some stuff is so funny that people have to get retarded about it and act like a dern 5 yr old. My husbands co workers act like this.They sit at my house and play video games the whole time and laugh like a bunch of little girls at a tea party when one of them does a combo move thing on a fighter game...ITS STUPID and ANNOYING! They sound like my daughters playing in the other room! Plus they talk to me like I'm their mom or something...and most of them are older than me..I'm only 21 these guys are like 30 and up and they still do this c**p...I'm sitting there thinkin to myself GROW UP AND GET A LIFE! They are always talkin about going to nude bars and getting so drunk that they pass out in their fron tlawn,like its something to be proud of. So to answer your ? h**l YEAH I GET TIRED OF IMMATURE PEOPLE!

  3. i know, at my school kids make fun of u if ur zipper is down or something, i mean come the **** on, its not that big of a deal, and this one kid asked me in front of my whole class if i liked it up the butt!!!!!what losers

  4. i dont hate anyone......

  5. I don't get your question

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