
Does anyone hate the long light nights?

by  |  earlier

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I prefer the winter when it gets dark at about 4:30. Gets dark at 8 now then it'll be 9 then 10, makes my blood boil! Driving out and about you can see all the vermin hanging about the streets and the enclosed buildings, nothing to see even on the sunniest day you look about and it'll look all grey and decayed...

At least on the winter nights when it's dark you don't see all the blots on the landscape so to say...




  1. contact your local mental health the phone book...don't live in such a sad place...

  2. No, the lighter nights are great,in winter you get home, close the curtains, thereby shutting out the world, in summer there is at least the chance of sitting outside with a drink and listening to the birds sing, far better than the cold, long dark nights !

  3. You could try not driving through those of areas!

    Personally I like it in the middle, dark earlier to help put the children to bed bed but light so that I can stay outside and have a bbq!

  4. I too love the winter nights, cosying up in front of the fire, the rain beating down, love it!!!!

    But I am starting to look forward to lighter nights too.  Think of the BBQs and laying in the garden whilst reading a book.

    I just love life really.

    Be happy and enjoy living.


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