
Does anyone hate the news about Tony Snow as I do?

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I just loved Tony Snow. A sweet sweet man so full of wisdom and a great musician. Agree?




  1. Agree. He was a great journalist with a whole host of talents and such a variety of positions that he did to perfection. Esp. for both the Bush presidents. He will be missed.

  2. didn't even know he existed.  never heard of him.  oh well.

  3. Those who vilify that man ought to have their head examined.  They are so blind.......and ugly.......and unkind........and unfair.  Let the man rest in peace........and may God have mercy on his family.

  4. I do. I thought he added something extra to every program he was on. He was a decent and good man I believe firmly.

  5. Yes.. he was a fine man.. one of the nicer of the talk host... The Bozo's at the DailyKos are gleeful at his passing... Leftist Moron hypocrites that they are....

  6. It is sad.  He was a great man and a good father.  He told it like it was, good or bad because that is what he believed.  He will be missed.

  7. What is a Tony Snow? Do they have them in England? if they do, put me down for one and I'll pick it up when I get out of prison (Strangeways to be precise).


  8. If Hitler was living in the 21th Century and just died yesterday.... I guarantee that the US media Will portray Hitler as a loving, caring man too

    Tony Snow was a Liar  ( .   ) !

    He was a man, but that was it

    There was little honesty about his career.  Please, tell it as it is.

    Maybe outside of work he was a good man, so tell me about his life outside of work.... maybe I will have some respect

  9. Yeah, it's Sad... And He was a Young (53) Guy- too... He's the Second major News Person in his 50s to leave us over the past couple of months... Evidently the nice ones die young...  :(

  10. he was awful young

  11. I do agree, and when he said he was leaving his job at the White House because he needed to make more money, I had feeling he knew he would die soon and wanted to leave his family with as little debt and as much extra cash as possible.  He was honest, funny and charming, and I was very sad to hear he died.  Not surprised, but very sad.  Of course the liberal media put out an obituary saying he was "funny but not factual" and used his time as press secretary to ham it up for the camera instead of report the facts.  I really hate the media.  They are so mean and useless.  When Tim Russert died they went on and on about how he was so brilliant and such a saint and what a wonderful father he was, but when a conservative dies, they can't even offer condolences to his wife and three children.

  12. no, He was a man paid big bucks to lie to the American people

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