
Does anyone have 'decisive evidence' to solve this whole Palin pregnancy thing?

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The whole thing is stupid, but I can't either prove or disprove it and it pisses me off!

Here's what my research came up with so far:


The only thing that sticks out to me as odd is how is it possible to be in labor on the plane ride home to Alaska and no one noticed!?!?

Is this specific to babies with Down syndrome or what?

I don't like stuff like this but we better nip it in the bud while we can.




  1. I don't really have anything to add about the fact that contractions are normal weeks or even months before true labor.  My yahoo! answers peers have beaten me to the punch this time.  I just want to throw something else out: if she was faking a pregnancy, I would think that she WOULD have looked more pregnant.  Anyone can anonymously buy a fake pregnancy "bump" over the Internet; you can even buy a set for the various stages of gestation.  Case in point, ebay, the easiest source to find anything:

    I swear, I have even seen these that have a water compartment so that it can break.  Also, if she were faking the pregnancy to cover for her daughter, why would she be so far at home near the end of it?  Wouldn't she kind of have to be around when her daughter went into labor in order to pretend that it was her's?  Not to mention that of an entire hospital staff, no one decided to annonymously leak this to the press?  If this was a ploy, then it was the most poorly planned and superbly executed plan ever.  The only 100% decisive evidence is if her husband videoed the birthing...and I wouldn't hold my breath for that to be released.

  2. The problem is this

    If true, it could hurt her credibility

    if false, why the hatchet job

  3. What's Next ? Are we going to question if she's really a female?

    Obama supporters are desperate.

  4. Why doesn't someone just dig up the Birth Certificate, Hospital records, doctor, etc. instead of trying to guess by comparing c**p from the internet.

  5. No. Of course she didn't lie about having a baby to cover up her daughter's pregnancy.

    The Governor chose to return to Alaska to have her 5th child despite the following risk factors:

    1. She was leaking amniotic fluid (her water broke)

    2. She was 44 years old, a risky age for childbirth.

    3. The baby she was carrying had known "special challenges" (down syndrome)

    4. The child was one full month premature.

    5. She flew from Texas to Alaska on a commercial airline (Alaska Airlines) while while leaking amniotic fluid, a 10 or more hour flight depending on the length and location of her layover.

    6. She did not inform any of the airline staff of her condition.

    However, Gregg Erickson, a reporter from the Anchorage Daily News, told the Daily Kos that the rumors had been investigated and debunked.

    So it appears that these behaviors are not those of a person faking/covering up a pregnancy but merely those of someone with terrible, terrible judgment.

  6. i read that first said her husband was working for BP.  i thought he quit that job years ago when she stared throwing giant state contracts their way hide the impropriety.

    oh yeah....pregnancy....who cares

  7. >>The only thing that sticks out to me as odd is how is it possible to be in labor on the plane ride home to Alaska and no one noticed!?!?<<

    Because it was very early. My sister-in-law was having contractions at her baby shower, but the baby wasn't born for days. We would not have known she was having contractions had she not told us.

    Anyway, here's some information on PROM ("premature rupture of membranes"). No, it does not always gush, and no, infection is not 100%:

    "The main symptom of PROM is fluid leaking from the v****a. It may be a sudden, large gush of fluid, or it may be a slow, constant trickle of fluid. The complications that may follow PROM include premature labor and delivery of the fetus, infections of the mother and/or the fetus, and compression of the umbilical cord (leading to oxygen deprivation in the fetus).

    "Labor almost always follows PROM, although the delay between PROM and the onset of labor varies. When PROM occurs at term, labor almost always begins within 24 hours. Earlier in pregnancy, labor can be delayed up to a week or more after PROM. The chance of infection increases as the time between PROM and labor increases. While this may cause doctors to encourage labor in the patient who has reached term, the risk of complications in a premature infant may cause doctors to try delaying labor and delivery in the case of preterm PROM.

    "The types of infections that can complicate PROM include amnionitis and endometritis. Amnionitis is an infection of the amniotic membrane. Endometritis is an infection of the innermost lining of the uterus. Amnionitis occurs in 0.5-1% of all pregnancies. In the case of PROM at term, amnionitis complicates about 3-15% of pregnancies. About 15-23% of all cases of preterm PROM will be complicated by amnionitis."

  8. shows Palin when she announced she was preggo. Where is the Belly?

  9. do you have this one?

    She looks pregnant here.

    BTW, can you imagine how difficult it would be for a public figure to get away with this?  There's no way the press would have missed it and also, why would the hospital cover it up?  This rumor just sounds really sleazy to me.

  10. My water broke with 2 kids..and the risk of infection is 100%. You do NOT stand there and make a speech then take an 8 hr plane trip. Its almost impossible. You GUSH..and I mean the janitor..mop and bucket..WATER. Her story is just weird. Especially if she were on her 5th kid. This whole story just stinks to high heaven

    LOL..after watching that YouTube Video..there is NO WAY she is carrying her 5th child. Pls..every pregnacy you get bigger. My mom had 7 and she said on her 5th, she had to hold onto the walls to walk...

    This woman is BS.........

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