
Does anyone have 5 or more children?

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just wondering what it would be like to have alot of children, do you love it at the end of the day?




  1. m still on!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    well..........maybe i might try for another......i mean.............its good havin em coz we both can afford givin them a great education n all ( i hope they think so too).......!!!!!!!!!

    its kinda havin ur own lil troop of followers..........!!!!

    ahhh i luv em like crazy..they matter more to me than anythin else.....CEPT THE WIFE IE!

    lol.......thoh i think u shud have a female answer this question..........i mean......honestly.i dont help much with the housework......but she girl!

  2. I have 5 children and 3 step children. We are an extremely close family and I wouldn't change it for the world. I am one of 4 and my husband is one of 6. We also have 12 grandchildren... so far. The down side is our house is too small for all of us to be together at one time unless we hire somewhere. By the time you add all the children, husband/ wives/partners and grand children there are 30 of us, so its a bit like 'rent a crowd', but we do all get together at least 3 times a year.

  3. I have seven boys.  They are all married now.  It is beautiful to have a large family.  My mother also had 7, 3 girls 4 boys.  I am so grateful to have so many siblings.  They are my best friends.

  4. I have 5 children I will tell you that it is an interesting life.  I am a very busy mom, that's for sure.  Sometimes I feel too busy and sometimes I feel so strung out that I feel like running away  (but only to the bathroom!).  

    Seriously, having 5 kids is a big job.  Parenting is a big job no matter how many kids you have, but having this many is so much work.  More laundry (3 loads a day), more groceries (which means longer shopping and putting away time), more driving time to get them all where they need to be (I limit extracurricular activities to one per child), more cleaning (MUCH!!) and more people trying to get your attention.  

    It also means more hugs, more laughter, more snuggles, more little  pictures of hearts and flowers drawn on the back of old scrap paper, more "thanks mom, you're the best", and more help carrying all those groceries in!  Sure I love it, all of it (okay maybe not the laundry part),.  Is it tiring?  Sure, but aren't all moms tired?  Would I do it all again?...You betcha!

  5. I love it all day, not just at the end! I have seven, and I have never felt more blessed and alive when surrounded by these really cool people that are part of my family. Although my 9yo wants my laptop right this second to play webkins. :-)

    It is a lot of work, a lot of organizing, and a lot of laundry. But they are good kids, and used to helping out.

  6. Nope, but you can always ask michael jackson!

  7. My mom has 5 kids, ages 27,26,21,11,9 and she handles it pretty well, maybe its because of the age difference and us older kids help with the younger 2.. there is times where she goes crazy, but i admire her at how well she treats us and manages us all.  She also babysits my 5 year old and my 3 year old nephew during the day and soon my little girl when she is born.  She is so patient.. maybe it is because she grew up with 13 brothers an sisters.. but im done im good with 2 lol.

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