
Does anyone have DirectTV? If so do you like it and does it mess up really bad in bad weather?

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Does anyone have DirectTV? If so do you like it and does it mess up really bad in bad weather?




  1. I've had it for 5 years - it works fine with a rare outage that usually only lasts about a minute,and this only happens when a really bad storm is over the house.

  2. Yes....and yes.....All dish type receivers are subject to thunderstorms, ice, snow and other winter type weather....

  3. I have Directv HD and never lost a signal in rain, or snow - with snow on the dish, or heavy clouds - maybe they lined up my dish better or maybe they have a stronger signal off of the HD satellite - which is a different one than the standard signal satellite - much newer.  I'm very happy with it and expected it to mess up more - but it never has.

    The DVR has a few quirks but it works fine.  One thing is if I rewind or pause a show, then FF all the way to the end, the sound will start skipping - either hitting pause or changing the channel off and back fixes it.

    Directv is the best for HD.

  4. Not as bad as people are led to believe.  I've been a subscriber now for almost 10 years and have hardly ever lost service due to the weather and I live in an area prone to T storms.  If your dish is pointed and mounted correctly it has to be raining EXTREMELY hard to lose the signal.  Then generally it returns a few minutes later once it slacks off a bit.

    I love my DTV and you'd have to pry it out of cold dead hands.


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