
Does anyone have REAL psychic advice?

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I know I'm going to get some pretenders here but I thought I would give it a shot.

I want to know if my boyfriend of 3 years is really the one for me? We're complete opposites so sometimes it's tough, but I've never loved anyone more, and he's wonderful. Just wondering if anyone sees anything in our future, also will we ever have kids, if so, how many?? if you have any more questions let me know. Thanks




  1. you can check my answers and am not a 'pretender' but i am sorry, you will not have child(ren). but if you change your relationship and somehow make it beter, i see a little girl. if u see differently, this is ny most trusted friend that is also a psychic. "Esta.Is.My.AKA"


    Well since you are far away from me, i can only see a glimpe or a snapshot of your future. Do you somehow have blond hair. i see you bending down while your child is running to you from a house or a park or somewhere and you brush her hair aside and you talk to her for a second between noon and sunset.(closer to sunset.)

  2. Never trust psychics.

  3. I see grave peril and hardship. Your man will marry you, knock you up(possibly twins),BEWARE THE MAN STEALING NANNY!!!  The divorce will be ugly. For your own sake get rid of this guy.

    edit:  His name is Rufus.

  4. You obviously don't understand how psychic abilies work my dear.

    "Fortune telling" is something you might see on TV, but real psychics read your current situations based on your inner knowledge, memories (of the past), energies, etc.  Any future indications they may see would be contingent on you remaining on the exact same path you are on at the time of the reading.  As we all know, we make hundreds of decisions weekly, daily even, and any one decision or choice you make (or combonation of them) could significantly alter your life's path.  

    You may be able to have a psychic give you a "snapshot" of what's going on right now, (i.e. you are strong enough as individuals and as a couple to overcome those opposites that sometimes make you clash, and this will help to keep your relationship strong)...but couldn't really tell you for sure something like "you will be married by summer of 2010 and proceed to have 2.5 kids and a dog" - that stuff is just not set in stone - that is all up to you...if that's what you want, then you gotta work for it.

    Also keep in mind that psychics are trying to interpret what they receive as bits and pieces of messages or flashes of  images they may see into something that makes sense - and even they can misinterpret.  So do you really want to put your faith in your future in the hands of a fallible human regarding this wonderful boyfriend who is the love of your life?

    Edit:  Oh sure, and thanks for wasting my time in giving you an honest answer to the questions you've asked - nowhwere in your details did you say anything about it being "just for fun".  You emphasized the word "REAL" - which indicated to me that you weren't meaning to "play".

  5. i dont think anyone here is going to give you an answer.

    those things you should figure out yourself. its apart if life.

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