
Does anyone have a 6 1/2 month old that has still not taken to food and only wants the bottle?

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I have tried what all of you and my daughters doctor have suggested. I gave it time in between. I tried squash, sweet potatoes, peas, green beans, apples, bananas and rice cereal. She hates them all. She clamps her mouth shut and if some does get in her mouth, she gags a little. If I keep trying, she will start to cry and then I stop. The last thing I want is for her to have food aversions. I waited a week thinking she was not ready but , still, no luck. She always tries to grab what I am eating, so, today I steamed some carrot and potatoe pieces. They were small and nice and mushy. I thought maybe she wants to do it herself and is over the whole spoon thing...ohhhhhh nooooo, that didn,t work either, it just got all over the place because all she wanted to do was play with it. I tried to put it to her mouth and she, again, clamped her mouth shut and turned her head as she let out a whine. What do I do? Am I the only one with an almost 7 month old that will not eat?! In the end, it is the battle of the bottle that wins. This is our first baby.




  1. take the bottle away. untill nap time. have you tried yoke from fried eggs. my daughter started out with that. my boys a different story. my doctor told me. my son will not starve his self. and sure enoughwhen the bottle was out of sight. hed eat.any other time use a sippy cup.for my cousin she made a bigger hole in the nipple and mixed ceral. that worked really well for her. hope this helps.

  2. Do not take her bottle away until after lunch she is 6.5 months old. A baby gets all they need from formula. I did not even start either of my kids on solids until 10 months due to severe allergies running in my husbands side of the family. My kids were fine even a little chubby, the good kind of chubby for a baby my doctor always said. And honestly they only had formula until that age. They also did not get teeth until 11 months so that made a difference as well.  

  3. my little girl is 7 months and she still sometimes refuses the food, my best luck is right after her or before her 11am nap. I wait until she is a bit hungry and not cranky. She will eat a jar of food now, but sometimes still resists. Maybe she is just not ready yet? Cameron wouldn't eat it earlier on, I found out My Monster-in-law was feeding her at 4 months!! I'm sure you can understand why she is no longer left with that grandma and more. I would keep trying and hopefully she will come around soon. I started the sippy cup a few weeks ago and that is a not so hot deal. She will use it if I hold it up for her but when its bed time she wants nothing to do with it. Good luck

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