
Does anyone have a baby they need a home for?

by  |  earlier

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my husband and I can not have children and we have so much love to give,,,,, before we found out we had everything set up ready to go I want a baby to love so much...............




  1. Yahoo isn't really the place to be looking for a baby up for grabs, maybe you should try an adoption agency.

  2. No.

  3. First of all, you need to get a homestudy through a local agency.  Then you can go to  This is a site where birthmothers go to meet potential parents in a legitimate manner.  Good luck to you and your family!

  4. I have 2 boys and 1 girl.

    I gave the girl up for adoption and shame on you for soliciting a birthmom online in yahoo answers. There are adoption agencys out there.. Get out your wallet and pay them for their services. Sorry for your inability to have kids, but I'm a baby machine and I didn't want to be. Every woman wants what they can't have, we always find a way around it.

  5. Unless you have completed a homestudy and consulted with an attorney on your states laws regarding methods of finding a child and other requirements, you are way ahead of yourself.

  6. Go to an adoption agency, this is no place for baby trades or human trafficking

  7. You may want to check into Foster/Adoption through your state.  Social Services.  Each State is Different, but it is as simple as taking a few classes and and have a few home studies and such.  Each state requires different measures.  So, you need to check....  I Know your pain, and how you feel.  it is hard!  i am 33 and My husband and I have tried for 12 years.  And so, I am taking these classes, but luck fully, I have a friend who is going to adopt us her baby.  She has four children of her own, and she doesn't want this one, so I am trying to find out legal steps to take to make this easy for the both of us...  I wish you all the best.  You are in my thoughts and prayers.

  8. QUALIFY to adopt through the proper channels - a reputable adoption agency, a board certified adoption attorney, or through the foster care/adoption unit of your own state.  Just because a  person wants at any given moment, a child, does not mean they should be given the privilege of parenting one.  Hopeful parents should also WANT the birthmother of any future child they parent to receive COUNSELING to make sure she makes an informed, educated decision.

    Out of respect for yourself, the birthmother, and the child, go through the proper procedures.  And if you say you cannot afford to get a homestudy or attorney, then you cannot afford to raise a child properly!

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