
Does anyone have a bunk bed? Do you like it? Do your kids enjoy it? ?

by  |  earlier

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I bought one the other day and I want to feel good about my investment. I thought it would be a space saver and fun for my kids.




  1. Bunk beds are fun, you should let the oldest on the top bunk. They'll fight over it. Oh yeah, s***w in the ladder to get to the top bunk if it isn't yet.

  2. My friend said she loves bunk beds cuz they're fun

    Apparantly i don't know cuz i've never slept on 1.

    Good luck though!  

  3. they are a great space saver, and great if you have 2 kids sharing a room, or they have a freind for an overnight

    A couple cautions: ceiling fans & bunk beds do not mix. I'm a designer and just this summer we had to remove fans from kids rooms cause they got too close.

    Also if your kids a restless sleeper, they could roll out of the top bunk. Also make sure the ladder is super secure.

    Some fun things to do: tuck sheets or curtain panels under the top mattress to make a "tent" or fort for the bottom bunk. If its for one kid, the top could be solely for sleeping and the bottom banked out with pillows and stuffed animal for playing.

  4. Yes, I think bunk beds are great for allowing extra play space. Kids love them, but watch out! They love to jump off them as well. Plus, it seems that when new bunk beds come in, everyone wants on the top. This can cause the bolts to loosen and make the beds 'wiggle'. Just make sure they are using the beds properly- to sleep and not play on- and the investment will prove to be an excellent choice for years to come! (You may even have to periodically tighten the bolts for good maintenance. If you fail to do so, the bars/wood can warp and it will deteriorate quickly).

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