
Does anyone have a cat that acts like a dog? ?

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I'm much more of a dog person and said I'd NEVER keep a cat as a pet....until this stray, epitome of a black and gray tabby kitten came into my life a yr ago. I swear, he has got to be the reincarnation of my previous dog, Simba! lol He comes whenever I call his name, he rolls over and likes to be rubbed on his belly (not too hard), and is SOOOOOO needy-always whining when I don't pet him after I come home from work, jumps up and rubs all over my face, sniffs all over me. Now, are these normal cat characteristics that I was never aware of, or are these definitely more "doglike" behavior? And can anyone relate??




  1. no but my friends has a dog that acts like a cat

  2. i have two siamese that should have been born dogs! they even fetch and chew my stuff up lol. they love to chew holes in socks and chew my shoe laces in half. both cats also know some basic tricks (like "talk" on command). i tell everyone they're the coolest dogs i've ever owned ;)  

  3. Yes, I have heard of cats like that.  Cats will behave the way you treat them.  However, I don't know why my cat grumbles.  I don't do that!  

  4. I had a cat that acted like a ferret.  As a kitten it would go into the ferrets' cage to sleep in the hammocks.  When it played with the ferrets it would burrow under rugs and sheets like they did.

    Like others have said, all cats are different.

  5. THEY ARE TOTS DOGLIKE! AND YYES I CAN RELATE!!! o srry bout the caps lock.

  6. i dont have a cat tht acts like a dog  

  7. I have several cats like that.  All cats have different personalities just like all dogs do.

  8. I used to have a cat who thought he was a dog.  His name was zipper, we even had to keep the toilet lid down so he wouldn't drink out of it.

  9. Yeah, one of my cats acts like a dog.  She'll headbutt me when she wants to be pet.  She sleeps on her back with paws bent and she loves to be patted on her flanks.  She is a total weirdo!

  10. my cat did. she would play fetch. sleep on her back. and l**k my face. and growl at people who came in my room. lol. she was amazing

  11. I've had several cats in my life, but only one who was "doglike".  From the cats I've known, it it's fairly uncommon -- all of the others behaved like typical cats.

    Our "doglike" cat was very attached to people, and liked to hang around us all the time; all of the other cats have been more stand-offish.  He'd always run to the door to greet us when we came home, like a dog would.

    He had two other pretty dog-like behaviors:  he liked to play fetch, including bringing the fetched object back and dropping at at our feet hoping we'd throw it again.  And he liked to chase water squirted from the hose in the backyard.  That was pretty funny to watch -- we'd spray the water around, and he'd chase it all over the yard and get totally drenched.  When we stopped he'd sit there panting, and start howling for us to spray more water.

    He did some other odd stuff too.  For some reason, he liked to eat out of our shoes. He'd grab a big mouthful of cat food (dry food, luckily) and wander around the house until he spotted a pair of shoes or boots.  He'd drop all the food in one of them, and then stick his head in the shoe and eat it -- but he didn't always finish all of it, so  sometimes I'd go to put on my shoes and end up stepping in bits of Cat Chow.  And he liked to chew gum -- only peppermint, and only for a few chews.  Then he'd spit it out and ask for another piece.

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