
Does anyone have a clue about inserting a link (not a hyperlink) into a word document?

by Guest61459  |  earlier

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the link i want to insert is a excel file. and i have tried the help feature on Word.




  1. well just open the page u want the link from and copy it then paste to word if thats wa u mean and if u do0nt want it the way it is there are no other ways  

  2. If you right-click on an Excel file icon and and then drag it onto the Word document window and release, you get an option to create a link to the Excel file.  I'm terribly sorry though - they call it a hyperlink.

    So what do you want to appear in the Word document, and what do you want to happen when you click on it, if anything??

    [edit] If you do what I said and choose 'Create Hyperlink Here', it will create a link to the Excel document in the Word document.  The default name of the link is the pathname of the file, but you can change that to something more meaningful if you want.

    If you click on the link, Excel launches and opens the file.  This is what you want, right?  Just try it out with a blank document and any Excel file.  It will take you about 10 seconds to test.

    [edit] You can just put a picture of the Excel icon into the document, and put text underneath it to be the filename.  Or you can create the whole picture with text in Paint and then insert it as one item.  Go to Insert>>Picture>>From file..., don't just drag it onto the document.

    You can get a sample of the Excel icon from the web.  A sample link is below.  There are lots more in the 'images' directory.  Then just right-click and create a hyperlink to the file that you want to open when you click on the icon.

    Let me know if you need more information.

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