
Does anyone have a copy of game 6 of the 1999 NHL stanley cup finals???

by Guest66987  |  earlier

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been looking for a copy of the Dallas v buffalo game 6 of the 1999 Stanley cup finals everywhere if anyone has a copy of it,

i'm willing to pay for a copy





  1. that was definitly not a goal. i hate that game so much. and they didnt review it or anything. terrible.

    go sabres

  2. Pay me. I'll get it.

  3. go buy one or get a duplicate and make copies from your printer or copier or fax them

  4. no i do not have a copy

  5. how much you willing to fork over?

  6. the NHL has a bunch of stuff on, a TV show site. Some vintage games there. Don't know if that one's on there or not, but it's worth a look.

  7. try youtube.

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