
Does anyone have a dragonfly tattoo?

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can u add some pics? i would love some ideas for my next tattoo




  1. One should decide carefully where they want it as otherwise they end up paying a fortune to have it laser removed. Also, different locations mean different things like there is a theory that getting a tattoo on the lower back helps open up the base chakra and enhances the life force.

    You could also find info on various sites. They usually include a beginner's guide to getting a tattoo and cover some of the most common concerns and questions when getting a tattoo.

    This one is good too -

  2. ugh please get something more original.

    unless of course it has deep meaning.

  3. Only about a billion people have them... You should get something unique and meaningful, you'll have it for the rest of your life! Of course this is just what I would do, I don't mean to boss you around : )

  4. I'd just go to google and search dragonfly tattoos. They are kind of popular, I know my artist has done quite a few of them but you know sometimes we don't really "pick" what we want on our bodies it just kind of happens. If  dragonfly is what you want and it means something to you then I say go for it.  

  5. well i personally dont have a dragonfly tattoo, but my mom and my cousin do.

    this is my moms

    this is my cousins

    good luck!


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