
Does anyone have a good meal plan 4 someone in cross country that wants 2 lose weight?

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im 13 and going into cross interested in losing weight, but thats not why im going in 2 xc, im a pretty good long distance runner.what kind of diet(meal by meal plan please)would improve my enery level and if possible, my weight 2.thanx a whole bunch.




  1. How much do you weigh and how much do you want to lose? Eat 248g Carbohydrates, 50g Fat, and 90g Protein a day. It doesn't matter what you eat as long as its not soda or candy. Salads and pasta are good for you.  Also make sure you eat some of the Carbohydrates before and after your run. This diet plan will give you 1800 calories a day. An average XC practice will probably burn about 500-1000 calories each, so as long as you practice everyday you will lose about a pound a week.

  2. Carb load. Carbs are what your body turns in to energy to be used during work out sessions like running.  Prevent eating protein which will allow you to gain muscle mass. Drink lots of water too, this will help you digest food better.

  3. have you tried this workout video?  

  4. eat 6 times a day but keep in light eat maybe a banana and yogurt then later granola bar. and nothing fried. grilled and baked things are good

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