
Does anyone have a good schdule for child visition that would be 50/50?

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I am dealing with a mother that does not want to agree on any visition I mention, she says the kids suffer with there homework when they are not with her, so I am trying to work around that some how but I still want my kids 50%of the time, would love them more but that would never happen. Plz any suggestions?




  1. Unless you are around the same school district and are capable of doing the homework with them and making sure it is done and can carry on the same bedtime and everything then 50/50 during the week won't work.  You can do every weekend during school time and split vacations and then take them during the summer for all but 2 wks.  How old are the kids?  Are they old enough that they could make some suggestions themselves?  The woman next door and her ex do a 2 year agreement.  She has the girl for 2 years and he has every other weekend visits and summertime then they switch and she gets the every other weekend and summertime visits.  The split visitations.  If you live more than 1 hr from the school then 50/50 rarely ever works.  My boyfriend wants 50/50 with his kids too and he does take them 3 days/nights a week but yet the courts consider that just visitations and not joint custody.

  2. Switch every other week, and every other holiday.  The court should of set up a schedual where she has to give you the kids.

  3. three months a piece then you have to deal with the consequences if something does go wrong with school work. or you could do weekly. but i will tell you its better if she gets them during the week and you on the weekends and through the summer or something to that effect. because when kids are having to move alot it does effect everthing they do.

  4. you could always try having the kids stay in one place and you parents swap every week.

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