
Does anyone have a good story about adoption?

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Did you adopt out your child and find them later? Are you an adoptee? Do you want to find your birth parents? Did you adopt a child and meet the birth mother? I have a special interest in all aspects of this subject.




  1. I adopted my son when he was 2 months old.  We never knew the parents.  Its was a closed adoption.   However. he always knew he was adopted and as he grew older, I told him that if he ever want to find his birth parent, I would help him.  When he was 30 years old and had a child of his own, he decided he would like for me to help him find his birth mother so he could find out any medical information about his birth family.  He and I worked on it together and we did find her.  He met with her first, the he wanted her to meet me (his mom) and she and her family came to our home several times.  They are wonderful people and she was just a young girl who could not take care of a baby at the time.  My son has a relationship with her as a friend and that is all that it will ever be because I am the only Mom he knows.  But the birth mom was very happy to see that the son gave up was brought up in a home filled with love and it let her know that she did the right thing by giving him up.  She will always remain a part of our lives and I thank God everyday for the unselfishness on her part for her baby to have a better life than she could give him.  She told me how hard that decision was and she is a wonderful mother to the son she has now.

  2. I was adopted when I was two and a half, basically I was born in Las Vegas, Nevada. I lived with my alcoholic parents until I was 2 and a half, thats when my new parents (who adopted me) got a call from my mom's sister letting them know about me and that I wasn't getting good enough treatment that a baby needed, so they came and took me up for adopting, and during the time it takes for an adoption to be fully legal in court, my new mom, some how got this feeling that my birth-parents were going to come that night to take me back (because they still had custody over me) so we decided to go to Disneyland (yay me!) and sure enough, when we got back my much older brother reported that they did in fact come by to pick me up (creepy...) So eventually my new parents won the court battle... I was almost 4. (a year and a half court battle) Well... thats my story (^.^)

  3. Im a birth mother and at first i didnt have good experince at all I had a family picked out for my child found them when I was 3 months along we talked on the phone but they werent ready to met me yet, when I was 8 months preg they wanted to met up, but before I could make arragements with them to met them they found out the s*x of my child and wanted a different s*x. so they droped me and didnt want anything to do with me. I had at this time less than a month tell I gave birth how was I going to be able to trust somebody enough to give them my child? well my sisters ex who became a real close  friend to me came to my work and wanted to know if i had my nursery done. I explain to him that I was putting the child up for adoption and told him everything that happend and not known what to do. He than explain to me that his sister in law and his brother was looking to adopt. I couldnt be more greatful I love his family also know all of them, how could I not take this offer, I really didnt have a choice. I called the soon to be parents and talked to them about idea and how i needed a family to love my son, they were so happy. yes my experince was so bad and i dont wish it on anyone but I feel so grateful that somebody so close can care for the child that i might not met.

  4. here's my story:

    My parents married young. My mom wanted children, my father didn't. when mom got pregnant, my father prayed and prayed for a boy, then i was born, a girl. when i was 3 they divorced and my mom got custody. when i was 5, my mom was killed in a car wreck and i went to live with my dad. from the start he never loved or wanted me. when i was ages 5-10 my dad would beat me every morning with whatever he could find depending on his mood (if i was lucky, his fists. if i wasn't lucky, a dog chain). i was required to complete all of my chores in 15 min., if i didn't (i never did), i didn't get to eat that day. I wore the same clothes day in and day out. I slept under the table. He tried to kill me 3 times. He and my uncles raped me whenever I was "bad". The longest i've been without food is 7 days, when he locked me in the basement. I survived by sucking the water off of a leaky pipe in the corner. If i ate anything without my dad knowing, he would make me eat/drink horrible things like water out of the toilet, trash out of our neighbors garbage can, teaspoon fulls of cleaners under the sink, once he made me eat his cigarette. All 5 years of elementary school, not one teacher even asked me about my home life. I wouldn't of told them if they had asked (my dad threatened to cut off my arms, legs, tongue, one by one if i did), but it would have made me feel better that at least someone half cared. In fifth grade, my math teacher called me aside one day, and then every day after that for months. She helped me with my schoolwork, and we would talk until I finally told her about dad. The next day my dad was arrested and I was taken to a children's shelter. Which then started the horrible experience of foster care. I was with 8 different families. I was a bad kid. I broke windows, rubbed eggs in the carpet, you name it, I did it. Every single one of them sent me back to the shelter. Then when i was 11, i was placed with this one family. They already had quite a few kids, and i was horrible to them, then one day they walked in the room, and instead of saying "You're going back to the shelter", they said "We love you and want you to become a permanent part of our family"/ Since then, i've had some problems, but through it all, i've overcome it. I'm a Christian now, soccer star, straight A student, musician and performer. I'm 16 years old and I love my family more than life itself. I thank God every day for Mrs. Summers. If it wasn't for her, I'd still be having the c**p beat out of me. My family is great. My adoptive mother passed away last year along with my newborn baby brother, but i still have my dad, and my brothers and sisters (there are alot of them, my parents adopted 8, and had some of their own). i tell everyone that i hate my birth father and I am still working toward the goal of forgiving him, but deep down, i still love him. i don't know why. but i will never again be taken advantage of again. i can promise you that.

  5. if you can see the patern the only people that are happy are the people that either found somebody they felt was a good family to adopt their kids or they're kids that remember their birth family and remember being abused and know they are in a better situation.

    Me i don't know if my situation would have been better or not but i don't think you will get any other responses from anybody other than the people i just mentioned. i guess if that is the response you were looking fo rthen im glad you got your answer.

    I know this is your question but i want to see if there are any people adopted from birth or either they never knew their birth parents; that have lived a completely happy healthy life. you find me one and i may have hope for this whole process but right now i don't.

    I am happy for the guys that were abused though. i hope the abuse you recieved hasn't scared you and i'm glad you found a better family.

  6. Maybe you should look at some adoption blogs.  There are a lot of interesting stories out there.  It's not all sunshine and rainbows and puppy dogs but it's real and it's true.  There are, first parents,  adoptees and adoptive parents from all walks of life blogging and they all have their own unique voice and perspective.

    Check out KimKim's Reunion Writings.  She has a great link list.

  7. I'm a birthmom with an open adoption. I found a wonderful family who gives me regular updates and stays in contact with me. It's been a true blessing to know  that my little girl is safe and that she is well cared for. We have become pretty close and it's really helped me throughout the process.

  8. Can I ask why you have a special interest?

  9. Australia's adoption reform.  That's a very good story about adoption, you should do some research about it.

    Edited to add:

    I'd write about it here, but there's just too much to write!!  ;)

  10. I have a great story.  My best friend was raped a few years ago.  I know that's awful, but the story gets much better.  We had always been close, but because she became pregnant from the experience, she didn't want to tell anyone, so she avoided contact with everyone for months.  I was worried because I hadn't spoken to her in a very long time, and I no longer had her number (she moved).  

    I woke up in the middle of the night obsessed with calling her.  I was in tears because somehow I knew that something was wrong.  I knew her mother-in-law's name, (she was separated from her husband), so I called the operator in New York and got the phone numbers of every woman with her name, and I started calling all of them.  I finally got in touch with the right woman, and she gave me my friend's phone number.  At the time I called my friend, she was about to commit suicide.  I cried so hard and so long that I couldn't speak or breathe.

    I contacted a friend a Healing Hearts ministry (an awesome post abortion counseling ministry) and together we formulated a list of potential adoptive families.  Time was short.  My friend was eight months pregnant! Once I read about one family, I was convinced that they were the right people.  They could not have children on their own.  They were very open and honest about their shortcomings and their strengths.  They were so excited that they asked to fly out to meet the mom...when they met, my best friend knew immediately that this was the right family for the baby...and she immediately went into labor.  The family took her home, and she is a very happy, well adjusted beautiful eight year old girl with lovely parents who recently adopted a second child.


  11. i am actually searching now but it is a little hard as i have moved from that city that my birth mother lives in and now live on the other side of the world but i would die to meet her i have pictures and letters and i have heard the story's my adoptive mother told me of her she was beautiful all i know now is she has two children and she is married one of my siblings is only a year younger then me which kinda hurts because then she was only 17 there's always questions

    and it hurts a lot of the time, i know if i did meet her there is always the thought because i know many people that this has happened to that the birth parents cant handle meeting there children and they get upset and don't want to see or speak to them but even if it happened and she did that at least i would have been able to see her in person give her a hug and thank her for picking the perfect mother for me i would never change the fact that I'm adopted ever i love my mother shes my best friend and even if my father left us two years after he and my mother adopted me i thank god for that because i wouldn't be the person i am today. the day i finally get to meet my birth mother i will only want to thank her for her decision :)

  12. I was working and ran into spmeone that I used to know. I told her about how I almost die when I had my daughter and the story of how we planned on adopting when the time was right. She asked me all kinds of personal questions for a week and then told me that her dayghter was 24 weeks preg with a boy and was planning to have an abortion. She also said that she told her daughter about us. A couple of days later she called me and we met.

    2 months later he was born. 2 weeks later he was released from the childrens hospital and went home with us. He has many health issues, but best of all he has LIFE. I feel so blessed to have him in my life.  I pray for him b-mom daily.

  13. I had some good neighbors that wanted to try and adopt two Russian kids (brother and sister) straight from the old country. They kept running into road blocks every step of the way.  They were told that they could adopt one, not the other. I was over at their house one day and (this sounds cheesy to some) I said, "Hey, do you mind if we fast and pray about this together." We picked a day to hold a fast and kept the prayers coming for days. Soon they got a call from the Russian government, hopped on a plane and came home with two beautiful young Russian kids (brother and sister) who speak great English now and are doing fine.  They used to call me, "teacher". It was cute. Every once in a while I get a card from the family which always lifts my spirits.

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