
Does anyone have a good way of me asking my ex if he wants to go to the next sonogram with me? i find out s*x?

by  |  earlier

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my ex of two years left me when finding out im pregnant and told me he hopes i die and "it" dies. i always try to be nice to him and not shut him out, even though if he doesnt change by the time my baby is born i will fight him on visitation! he has another gf, and always says how much he hates im having "It". but he said he wants to know the gender. well, next sono they tell me the s*x, and i really think he might want to meet me there, he told me a few times he really wants to know if its a boy, bc if its a boy h**l visit "it". should i ask him to go and how? and if i have a girl or boy ill be excited but if its a girl i know h**l be disapointed and it would totally ruin the mood. any idea on what to say to him and what to say if hes like ugh no.




  1. i think that it would be best for you to not have him go that way he doesnt ruin this wonderful time for you and then if you decide to find out you could always tell him yourself.

  2. well i hope you're seeking some sort of counseling because hearing someone who's saying that they hope you and your child die can not be sitting well with you.

    Are you hoping that you get back together??

    I would not ask him to go, you could call him after and let him know or write him a letter. He seems like a hurtful, angry person, what kind of role model will he be for your child boy or girl?

    If you still really want to ask him to go then just call him tell him the date of the ultrasound and what's happening at it. Keep it simple.

    good luck. and don't allow him to treat you like this, or allow your child to EVER see him treating you or anyone like this.

  3. i first wouldnt invite him. everyone really thinks seeing the s*x is really happy and he could ruin it for you. but if you really want him there tell him if you would like to meet me at the doctors on this date at this time to find out the s*x of our child you can come, but if your gonna be negitive dont come. and say it nicely but forceful. tell him you should love the baby if its a boy or girl i am going to and so should you. you shouldnt be making me misbarable. if he does it forget about him know that hes a jerk and stand up for yourself and be happy for you find someone else who really loves you.

    good luck

  4. He doesn't deserve to be involved in you and your child's life!  Ask your best friend to tag along and let someone who will appreciate the experience share this special moment with you!

  5. He sounds like a loser and does not deserve to be there. It should not matter what the s*x is. If he said " I hope you and the baby die." Then he can go f*** himself. Why would you want somebody that ignorant around you. What did you see in this guy to date him for two years and have a child with him? This is ridiculous! Stay away from him and stay strong!

  6. WOW!! and after all he did and say to you , you are considering to let him choose whether Mr will decide to see 'it' or no?!!! i can not believe it!! sorry but he is a complete jerk who you should completely forget about!! ur baby is far more important than that ! i mean what if its a girl? he won't visit 'it'? you should not be giving him the privilege... he is absolutely not worth it and will certainly be a bad dad! dump the as* hole and tell him to go and F*CK OFF!!

    people like that p**s me off to be honest, sorry for sounding so agressive but come on, he is treating u like rubbish and u r allowing him...

  7. why don't you try to start living your life without him. he sounds like such a negative person, and you really don't need that kind of energy when you're pregnant. Also him referring to the baby as "it" shows little respect for the baby on his part. Just forget him.

  8. I absolutely would NOT invite him. He has made it very clear that he doesn't care about you or the baby. He has no right to share this special moment with you when he's acting this way(calling the baby "it", wishing you'd both die). I don't even know why you'd consider asking him.

    Just call him up, afterwards, and say "Well, I thought I'd let you know MY baby is a boy/girl" and end the conversation after. You don't owe him anything else.

  9. Something special happens when parents see that little kiddo that they created. Even if he isn't excited now, he may change his tune when he sees the baby and the little heart beating, regardless of the s*x. Let him know that you're going to see his baby and find out the s*x. Tell him he's welcome to come. Give him the date and time and leave it at that. If he's shows up, great. If not, whatever. You don't know. He could fall in love with his baby at this visit. Maybe not. Give him this opportunity. It could make the difference whether or not your baby gets to grow up with a daddy. Either way, be the best mommy you can be. Best wishes.

  10. dont ask him to go with you. i would honestly try my best to forget about him. you shouldn't try to force him to be a daddy if he doesn't want to b/c then the poor baby will grow up knowing he/she is not wanted. so i say just take care of yourself and your baby. best of luck

  11. No, don't ask him to go. He doesn't deserve to know the gender of YOUR baby. It sounds to me that he isn't the father, but the sperm donor. As soon as your child is born, file for custody and child support. Y'all will be better off without him in you life. Good luck!

  12. I wouldn't ask him to go with you.  By all means, show him the sonogram photo afterwards and tell him the s*x of the child, but having such a negative person with you will ruin what hopefully will be one of the happiest memories of your child/pregnancy.

  13. you know what? first of all, he sounds like a jack ***.

    i agree with letting a father have as much time as he wants w/ the child if yall are separated but in this scenario, for him to wish death upon the child, he has no rights in my opinion.

    and so it changes if its a boy? what a jerk! it shouldnt matter if its a girl or boy if he wants to visit it. and i hope he knows if he "visits" he should d**n well help you support him/her

    girl tell him to just forget you and "it"

    hes not worth it. plain and simple

    one day that baby will grow up and know how worthless his/her father is.

    dont allow that man in their life just to break their heart. he had his chance.

    and yeah. if he brought his girlfriend.. yeah.. whatever..

    wed see what would happen then if that was me!

    it isnt any of her d**n business

  14. I would go alone or with a friend if you like but not him.

    You can always tell him later.

    Imagine if you went and planned to meet him there and he showed up with his gf....  that would totally spoil a happy moment.

    There is only going to be so many times in your life that you get to see your bub on a sono, don't let him potentially spoil it for you.

    Congratulations on your pregnancy, hope your baby  co-operates for your scan.

  15. No! I have read your questions on here before about this guy, and I think he's a total ***. Don't invite him- not only does he not deserve it, I can guarantee it won't mean anything more to him. If it's a boy, he'll come and visit? What a loser.

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