
Does anyone have a good website to look into the israel/palestine war?

by  |  earlier

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would like to get more information on it




  1. I find this site pretty accurate:

  2. You will have to go to different websites and then compare between the bias.  Jerusalem Post???   That is straight neocon-Fox news.  I think they reprint  Pentagon briefings verbatim.   Well, I'd go to Haaretz

    instead.  Then there is the Mossad website, might as well balance that with Al-jazeera which has an English language website.

    I've seen some interesting pieces from the Independent newspaper in the uk-( ). They have Robert Fisk as a commentator and he is a ruthlessly honest reporter who will criticize anyone who is doing a dirty deed in the middle east no holds barred and he has the best track record of calling the shots.  

  3. For pro palestinian propaganda try the BBC or Al Jazeera. For better news sources try Debka, National Post, World Net Daily or Israeli newspapers like Arutz 7

  4. Try the BBC they report on it and then compare it with Israeli news. like the Jerusalem Post..

    You are not going to get unbiased news anywhere, and you have to read and decide for yourself..


    Also, watch John Pilger's documentary Palestine Is Still The Issue:

    You can tell that my sympathies do not lie with Israel.

  6. It's an admirable pursuit to try to learn more about such a complex issue rather than demonize one side. Props.

    Haaretz (dotcom) is fairly balanced, although it is Israeli. That being said I find it more realible than others. I warn you in advance that if you search you will find many more anti-Israel slandering sites than general news outlets. Keep that in mind and best wishes.

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