
Does anyone have a great office prank???

by  |  earlier

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I need a really good office prank for a co-worker who is returning from 12 wks of maternity leave. Nothing disgusting. Keep in mind we work in a government building and its an office will only women. Any ideas will help. Just not the typical cover her cubicle in post it notes or packing foam.... its been done.





  1. Why not make it a cute welcome back, say, putting cute little baby things in her office drawers, a diaper in one, cute little booties in another, a pacifier in another, on and on. Now remember she is going to be alittlel upset for having to leave the baby with someone in order to come back to work. Make if fun though, not embarassing

  2. Hmph! So rude. How could you be so mean!

  3. Silly little things, such as taping all her pens together... in a line, so that when she pulls out one, they all follow... like a magicians handkerchief  

    Baby powder on her telephone.

    Adjusting her chair all the way down (or up)

    Rearrange everthing on the desk

    turn pictures upside down

    Put a framed pic of some hunk on her desk.  (If you have the skill, photoshop a pic of her with the hunk)

    Put baby stuff everywhere... In drawers, on shelves, at her feet.  (i.e bottles 1/2 filled with spoiled milk, diapers (w/water or peanut butter))

  4. ^



    woopie cushion!

  5. a small gift containing condemns and a note that says

    hope you dont leave us again anytime soon

  6. glue down their phone lol

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