
Does anyone have a great workout plan, to get a lazy, unfit horse, back to being fit?

by  |  earlier

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Please help, my horse is amazing, he has not been woked too hard over the past year, and i want him to get nice and fit again, although i do not have the best plan. Can anyone help or give advice? Thankyouu!! x*x




  1. yes.. start with 10 minutes cardio per day at least. followed by full body stretching (head,neck,legs,back) yoga helps this. then start small. do a couple sets of push ups, sit ups, and planks. jogging in place is also great. remember to constantly keep your heart rate up. yoga and stretching is the best way to slowly build up longer leaner muscles.. then.. once you get going you can try bicep curls and other weight training exercises. start slow and breathe through all the stretches.

  2. try to lunge him every day for a few mins before you ride him (not too much incase he gets too tired!) and try to ride him a bit till he gets back to his normal self.after he livens up you can stop lunging him.

  3. hire mr motivater of gmtv,aha ow yer arha

  4. Maybe Start lunging him every day. start out slow with like 5 cirlcles to left and right at a trot and lope. then increase his work about every week and trail ride him also.

  5. Just whisper gently in its ear " Glue factory"

  6. dangle the carrot in front of its nose whilst riding it, and let him have it once hes done his bit of excersise

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