
Does anyone have a heart shaped uterous?

by Guest31733  |  earlier

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I was told by my doctor that my uterous is in the shape of a heart rather than a oval shape. Which will cause me to have a high risk pregnancy. Does anyone have a situation like this? We are trying to concieve and I may have just had a doctor is doing a ultra sound next week to see if thats what happened. And I'm just worried about having a high risk pregnancy.




  1. no sorry i never heard of that before

  2. no i do not, sorry!  

  3. Yes i know exactly what you are talking about.  I had my first miss and they told me I had a bicorneate uterus.  My hubby and I wanted a second opinion so we went to a specialist.  Turns out I had a septated uterus.  The septum divides the uterus in half, the baby could not get proper blood flow.  I had a surgery to fix it and mhy uterus is fine now,  My girlfriend has a bic-uterus and just had a healthy baby last year, full term.  She did not see a high risk doc.  I would see a specialist first, this is what they specialize in, so trust them.  Good luck

  4. I do and they didn't realize it until after the birth of my second child.  I have no idea why it would make your pregnancy high risk unless you have a very extreme difference in shape.  The only thing noticeable in my babies is that they had their feet and bottoms off to the side never in the center of my stomach.  The side the baby stayed on was higher after the birth as well which really confused them for a bit, once they knew why it seemed pretty normal, not like there should have been any worry.

    Try not to get too worried before you have any facts.  If you did have a miscarriage there's a good chance that it's unrelated to your uterus shape.  It's your body's natural way of making sure that it is growing a healthy baby, it may not be the most reassuring thing to hear but it helps a little.  Best wishes

  5. I'm a mother baby nurse and I've had a few patients with heart shaped (Bicornuate) Uterus'.  Their babies were perfectly healthy, although I seem to remember one lady's uterus was particularly divided and the baby came out healthy but small since it had less room to grow.

    "findings suggest that 65-85 percent of women known to have bicornuate uterus have no pregnancy problems." Although I do know you are increased risk for miscarriage and preterm labor. It probably depends on how much of a septum there is. Talk to your doctor. He should be able to give you an idea of your risks.

    Here's some info on Bicornuate Uterus:

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