
Does anyone have a job for an experienced PA in the Greater Manchester area?

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I am looking for a new job as a PA/Office Manager within the Greater Manchester area. I live in Stockport and have 3 years PA experience.




  1. The most direct route to getting immediate work is to join a temping agency. This is beneficial for several reasons:

    1) It keeps you in work, which makes you more employable.

    2) You meet more employers. Each company you go to could potentially offer you a full time job.

    3) You are earning some money at least!

    Another way is to try to do a bit of networking. You can try registering at "Linked In" and look for friends and former colleagues, you can link to.

    The premise behind the site is that we are all supposed to be linked through six layers of friends/acquantances to everyone else in the world.

    So by linking to your freinds on Linked In, you are linked to their friends, who might in turn have openings available.

    So start by signing up, and then pose some indirect questions rather than "Gizza Job".


    Ask your friends or former colelagues to review your CV and give you some feedback? You are not directly asking them for a job which may be uncomfortable, but you are stating that you are in the market looking for work.

    You must have tons of business associates through arranging meeting venues, booking hotels, booking tickets, contacting recruitment firms etc from your last job who you can "Link" to.

    This won't find you work overnight, but is worth doing.

    Also you can send emails to everyone you know asking the above question (don't send one bulk email as this is impersonal, take the time and effort to tailor each one).

    Another good place to start is the small business incubators that are based in Manchester through Manchester Momentum. There are numerous small fledgling businesses who may or may not require such work?

    Someone somewhere will require a PA.


  3. no,sorry tilly.

  4. Tilly, try these:

    Or here:

    Or here:

    Alrighty? Good luck.

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