
Does anyone have a link to the old articles last year that stated Osama Bin Laden had died?

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I remember it was in the news for a split second, only to later be retracted. How could the CIA retract it if they have no idea where he is to begin with? I think the news was by the French press.




  1. yeah said he was dying of kidney disease I believe.

    of course the CIA is gonna retract it. They are harboring him; Osama is a CIA asset. He gets paid to be an enemy. WIthout osama, you have no war on terror. Without war on terror, you have no sales of weapons, and you cant stick ur nose in the mid east

    you need him. for your fake "war" on "terror". More like "WAR OF TERROR". blaady americans. thinking you own everything.

  2. Reports of his death

    April 2005: The Sydney Morning Herald stated "Dr Clive Williams, director of terrorism studies at the Australian National University, says documents provided by an Indian colleague suggested bin Laden died of massive organ failure in April last year … 'It's hard to prove or disprove these things because there hasn't really been anything that allows you to make a judgment one way or the other', Dr. Williams said."[97]

    August 2006: On 23 September 2006, the French newspaper L'Est Républicain quoted a report from the French secret service (DGSE) stating that Osama bin Laden had died in Pakistan on 23 August 2006, after contracting a case of typhoid fever that paralyzed his lower limbs.[98] According to the newspaper, Saudi security services first heard of bin Laden's alleged death on 4 September 2006.[99][100][101] The alleged death was reported by the Saudi Arabian secret service to its government, which reported it to the French secret service. The French defense minister Michèle Alliot-Marie expressed her regret that the report had been published while French President Jacques Chirac declared that bin Laden's death had not been confirmed.[102] American authorities also cannot confirm reports of bin Laden's death,[103] with Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice saying only, "No comment, and no knowledge."[104] Later, CNN's Nic Robertson said that he had received confirmation from an anonymous Saudi source that the Saudi intelligence community has known for a while that bin Laden has a water-borne illness, but that he had heard no reports that it was specifically typhoid or that he had died.[105]

    November 2007: In an interview with political interviewer David Frost, taken on November 2, 2007, the Pakistani politician, and Pakistan Peoples Party chairwoman, Benazir Bhutto, claimed that bin Laden had been murdered by Omar Sheikh. During her answer to a question pertaining to the identities of those who had previously attempted her own assassination, Bhutto named Sheikh as a possible suspect while referring to him as "the man who murdered Osama bin Laden." Despite the weight of such a statement, neither Bhutto nor Frost attempted to clarify it during the remainder of the interview.[106] Omar Chatriwala, a journalist for Al Jazeera English, claims that he chose not to pursue the story at the time because he believes Bhutto misspoke, meaning to say Sheikh murdered Daniel Pearl and not Osama Bin Laden.[107] The BBC drew criticism when it rebroadcast the Frost/Bhutto interview on its website, but edited out Bhutto's statement regarding Osama Bin Laden. Later the BBC apologized and replaced the edited version with the complete interview.[108] Bhutto's statement regarding Bin Laden conflicts with an earlier statement in October 2007, where Bhutto stated in an interview that she would cooperate with the American military in targeting Osama bin Laden.[109]

  3. You will see. George Bush is going to trot him out (like he did Saddam Hussein) sometime in October in order to whip up a frenzy of rabid irrational patriotism. He will show him off like a trophy, and the American public will reward him by electing John McSame.

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