
Does anyone have a link to this? its an interview with some paranormal lady who talks about lizard people.?

by  |  earlier

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It was a video series on youtube. It was like at least 15 parts.The lady was like 40-50 and had long grey hair. She talked about the after life and said things like it wasnt very different over there than it is here. She also cliamed to have been raped by a lizardman. And also said she can see dead people.




  1. Go to Google and google You Tube...then on You Tube go to Search..put in alien reptilians. There's lots of sites on there. One of them might be the one you're looking for.

  2. Yes. Several people have reported seeing Reptillians.

    David Icke has written about them.

    They reportedly live underground.

    About 12 years ago ABC news (if memory serves) interviewed several people in Florida who reported seeing one of them.

  3. are u talking about the annunaki, there a reptilian race of aliens that are experimenting on us i suggest searching that.

  4. Are you like at or past the crazy stage in life?  I think someone's been watching a little too much of The Sixth Sense or maybe even The Grudge!  Get'cha head in the game, and out of the clouds, man!!!


  6. have you ever heard of michael Tsarion he has couple of interesting theory's on the subject i like to listen to him specially when he's talking about George W Bush he's on you tube

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