
Does anyone have a mini schnauzer that has a terrible itching and scratching problems and lost hair on their?

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  1. vsue31, I wish I had a a schnauzer.

  2. Food Food Food... Change to a good guilty food first. Solid Gold, Nature Varity, Wellness. Your dog needs Vitamin E and Omega 3 for its skin and coat.

    Your dog may have other problems. But food its the first thing to do. I also guessing that you have some common sence. So I will not get into Flies and other illness. Have you taken him to the Vet? I would not wait to long to do that. DO NOT USE SCIENCE DIET. Vets are paid  by Science Diet. It is not good food. Even the RX one is not good food. Dogs do not eat corn. It causes allergies.  

  3. Many dogs can and do have itching and scratching problems. It can be caused from any number of things. Fleas,allergies from dust mites,their food,etc. It's best to ask a vets advice but you might also check on the web and find a remedy that works. My dog had the same problem and after trying some things I found on the web under hot spots in dogs,I was able to clear it up. You have to have alot of patience because it takes a while for the dog to get better.

    Good luck.

  4. OMG YES, AND IT IS DRIVING ME CRAZY.  The vet did all these allergy tests, and guess what came back as the biggest allergen-HUMAN DANDER.  Now what am I supposed to do about that-get rid of my family??!!  I've changed his food several times and I give him generic benadryl.  The meds seem to help a little bit.  He was getting the steriod/cortizone shots, but it was beginning to be too expensive for me.  He constantly gnaws and licks at his feet and back.  If you find any reasonably priced solutions, I would love to know as well.

  5. sounds like mange which is a parasite that most dogs get take him to the vet because if it is mange? it is a parasite that lives under the skin and will only make him Itch even more which will make him loose  more hair.good luck

  6. Not a schnauzer, but I have a friend with a mini-poodle who has those problems.  Vet said allergies - she gets steroid shots and eats a Rx diet and it seems better.

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