
Does anyone have a mother that is a psychic vampire?

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What does she do? And how do you deal? Serious answers only. Thanks




  1. respect your mother.

  2. reiki chick is correct

  3. Psychic vampires feed off the energy of others, whether it be conscious or not. She may not even be aware of what she is doing.

    Start with grounding yourself so that you are centered when you have to deal with her. You can also visualize yourself filling up and completely enveloped in an egg of white light. (This helps to repell the negativity and protect your own energy)

    Also limit the time you spend with her and be aware of when she is pushing your buttons or draining you. This is especially true if you are already feeling run down.

    Lastly, if she initiates any fights with you or other things that normally get you upset, don't give her your usual response. Instead just leave the room, hang up the phone - whatever you have to do to disengage.

    If after seeing her you feel depleted, take some time to ground and center yourself again. Imagine the energy of the earth rising up through your feet, into your body and refill your energy. Keep doing that until  you feel better.

    I hope that helps.


  4. If your mother is a vampire, then you must be a day walker, a hybrid. Born of vampire, but with the ability to walk in the sunlight. You should devote your life to taking down the secret society of vampires that prey on humans.

    That old musician turned actor Chris Christoferson can help make your weapons.

    There is no such thing as psychics or vampires, why would you think there are psychic vampires?

    Has all logic and reason gone from the world?

  5. A psychic vampire?  Have you been reading Ann Rice books?  The idea of psychic vampyrism is completely imaginary.  Mothers aren't any more perfect than children are, so if you dislike your mother just suck it up.  A bad one's usually better than no mother at all.

  6. This could happen when souls come from different familial branches and bear conflict energy- perhaps they/souls/ had not made a contract before coming on world to be together.

    If this theory accepted people can find solutions in conflicts by more civilised ways.

  7. No, but I had an uncle that we thought was a werewolf. We just stayed clear of him during full moon.

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