
Does anyone have a natural cure for mouth ulcers

by  |  earlier

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i get them all the time, but these are the worst ever and the pain is piercing & i cant eat properly




  1. Take some sea salt and sea salt only and some cloves and grind it all up and then put it in some honey and swish it around your mouth.  The salt won't hurt as bad with the cloves.  Also honey is a good anti bacterial and Sea Salt is the absolute best, it is impossible for any living thing to live in salt.

  2. gargle with oil of oregano

    take internally oil of oregano

    that way it will work both ways externally (on the sores) and internally in the bloodstream.

  3. bicarbonate of soda with warm water. it good..gargle and spit ;) twice a day till gone..

  4. Well it's difficult to answer the question, as you have not defined 'natural'. What do you mean by that?

  5. Try taking high dose Vitamin C (1000mg) every day for a few weeks.

  6. Gargle with lemon juice and salt in warm water.

    This should do the trick....

  7. Salt, hurts but works

  8. Great answers..

    also don't forget that diet can play a part. Lack of Vitamin B and other vitamins. Weak immune system etc.

    Take the immediate cure and then look at your diet..

    This is a great site

  9. I always get half a cup of cold water and mix in a few teaspoons of salt, buy a big bottle it's about 40p.  

    Take a big mouthfull (in a hamster like fashion) and swish it round and hold it in for as long as you can bear.  This will definately help-do it as much as you can-at least 3 times a day for really quick results.  

    Good luck-I know how flippin' painful they are.

  10. yes, go to and take  a look - i am sure your ulcers are psychogenic - your mind is playing a little game here,

    ulcers are curable - if you stay away from doctors!!

    i am not a member of this site, by the way!


  11. whisky , gargle it !

  12. use a mild salt water rinse especially after eating; take L-Lysine tablets, found in health food stores or larger food stores...don't need a name brand, generic or store brand will do really works. Do not put salt directly on the mouth could abrade it even more.

  13. I use a really good antiseptic mouth wash 3 - 4 times a day. Listerine or Cordysl are very good x

  14. mouth ulcers can be tricky, and different people react different ways to treatment approach. I personally recommend mixing raw honey, lemon, fresh water, and aloe vera juice.

    Raw honey when diluted turn into hydrogen peroxide which will help fight infection. The honey itself soothes as it heals.

    Lemon is an astringent and will help tighten and seal itself, it is also antibacterial and full of vitamin C which is a wonder in aiding wound healing.

    Fresh water for obvious reasons

    And aloe vera juice helps the body regenerate cells which speeds up the healing process in miraculous ways.

    All of these are soothing and has worked on many I have recommended it to.

    just mix small amounts together, and swish in mouth all through out the day, good luck

  15. Have you tried raw honey?  It's a natural antiseptic and has healing properties.

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