
Does anyone have a real solution to America's and the world's energy problems?

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I'm sure we would all love to not use oil (especially foreign oil)and further pollute our planet. But we need a real solution. And lets not have people telling us all we need to do is ride our bike. #1 Miss Soccer mom in her bling-bling "Escalade" is never going to ride a bike. #2 Sure solar power and wind energy will help in certain aspects, but I think we can see that those won't solve the problem. And what about vehicles? Commercial trucking? Airliners?




  1. We already have the solutions all we have to do is put them in place. First maybe we should put a gas guzzler tax on gas rather than the vehicle, if you're driving around in an Escalade or whatever and you don't need it for business than maybe you should pay more for gas, like a dollar or two per gallon, it's OK to have a big vehicle sometime we need them but we shouldn't be using them for everyday transportation so if it costs more to use them everyday then maybe they'll rethink doing that. As far as the rest we need to do whatever it takes to get people to start converting their homes and businesses to solar and other forms of renewable energy sources.

  2. Many people forget carpools do work.  Save your shopping trips to do when you have to go to the areas you shop and do your business as well.  Stop on the way home for movies etc. that you return.  Take a bus, you can always get a taxi from a bus stop to a office after you get off the nearest stop to your destination.  Those who are wasteful can pay more tax on carbon emissions in the future and the style of cars.  It can change.  Keep the faith and give it a chance.  It starts with each of us and what we do at home.

  3. you said it in your question. the only real solution is to change our consumption habits. use less.

    if we developed all the energy saving technology that could be imagined, we'd still waste so much energy.

    simply turning off your lights goes a long way.

  4. Solving anything begins at the source, and the source of energy waste, is waste! A building wastes more energy per year than a jumbo jet uses for flying. Weatherizing a building won't work until the frames are safe from disasters, Green Products the same. No matter how many salespeople convince us different, 300,000 buildings polluted the land and ocean after hurricane Katrina, for example. Toxins of all types and volumes also polluted, from cars and buildings, like oil, gas, aerosol cans, paints, and any kind of detergents, cleaners, etc. Solve the building frames, next hurricane hits the area, and all the toxins stay with the building, which doesn't get blown away or washed away. That is your real solution starting block, and despite there is an affordable way to do this now, with a new innovation in strapping systems, nobody in the Construction Industry wants to lose the sales of rebuilding homes after disasters. I find it hard to believe that both the Builders and the Customers don't want these buildings surviving hurricanes, etc; but two-and-a-half-years of turning this new technology down is proof enough for me. If they think they can do them without having to payfor the rights to using the technology, they'll have quite a surprise when they get turned down for building permits! This new technology is licensed and righted to the developer of them, by the U.S. Gov; who will make sure the original righted developer gets his cut, or they'll block the contractors, etc.

  5. the solution to the OIL and GAS problems will come when the government isnt being supported by Oil and Gas companies..

    I am thrilled the AUTO industry is making its own move against these resources...

    here is some simple steps EVERY American can do to not only save the environment BUT save them money too

  6. Well we have to use oil to a point, but I think the best way to lower the usage of oil is to incorporate ethanol into more and more vehicles. I was on a road trip, we went through Iowa, Iowa offers a mid-grade gas that is 10% ethanol 90% gas. This mix was a higher octane and it was 10 cents cheaper than regular. It added 70 miles to my tank in my truck, and it you don't need flex fuel to use the mix. I don't know why this hasn't been offered nation wide. It doesn't help the pollution end of things, but its a renewable energy, and farmers will be rich again.

  7. Yes, its using nuclear energy to generate electricity.

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