
Does anyone have a really quick way of defrosting a very iced up freezer box on my fridge?

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It's a Hotpoint Iced Diamond, quite old, and should defrost itself when you press the button but it is so bad that it will take years!




  1. I use a hammer and a hair dryer.

  2. use a hairdryer, works fast.

  3. Ha ha - electrical equipment around something with lots of water is going to be really safe. Fortunately, there should be fewer and fewer people suggesting it over time ;-)

    Fill a water spray bottle (like you might use to mist plants or clothes you're ironing) with hot water and squirt it on the ice. If you use a thin spray and try to aim between the ice and the side of the compartment, you'll find you can pull the ice away in big chunks.

  4. if at all possible move the fridge outside or at a door opening and use the hose..sounds weird but we used to do it to a freezer where I used to work because we had to defrost and clean it often.

  5. I usually leave mine till its like your too but when I eventually get around to it I put saucepans of boiling water on the shelves and close the door

    then if that's not quick enough try blowing a hairdryer onto the ice. after placing bowls on the freezer floor to catch the water

    Good luck  

  6. a hair dryer

  7. I have a vintage 50s GE that needs to be defrosted about 4 times a year.

    While these methods may work for a modern frig, for the older ones, the only recommended method is placing a saucepan of boiling water inside the freezer (on a hot pad of course) and then shutting the door. Replace the saucepan about every 5 minutes, and in about 20 minutes, the ice blocks will start to release from the walls. You should be able to insert a rubber (NOT metal!!!!) spatula behind the ice and lift it away.

    Blow dryers will overheat after 10 minutes of constant use plus there's the danger of shock.

    Using a hammer or any sort of chisel may perforate the freezer's lining and break it permanently.

    Unfortunately, there is no easy and fast way to defrost a freezer ~ what I usually do is just empty the freezer the night before, turn off the switch, and leave the freezer compartment open. The following morning, the ice will be sufficiently loosened so it can be pulled away. Pack your frozen goods in a cooler on ice, and leave the door of the fridge closed during the thawing process ~ even with the power off, the contents of your fridge should stay cold until morning.

  8. You can buy defrosting sprays in places like B&Q  -makes it easier but it's going to be a b***h of a job no matter what way you look at it. Ice is ice - if you go at it too aggressively you'll end up damaging the freezer esp. if it's already an old appliance.Easiest thing to do is if you can empty it for a day or two - use a picnic box just for milk and butter or ask a friend if you can put stuff in their fridge for a day or two.Then all you have to do is plug it out and leave the door open a little for a 48 hours.Make sure there is something there to catch the water or wipe it out on a regular basis.

    Please be very careful using a hairdryer around a freezer - they tend to be quite well insulated because they get used around wet hair and bathrooms, but still try not to get it wet with all the water coming out of the freezer.

    I've been in quite a few rented apartments and they nearly always seem to come with iced up freezers!! Have learnt it's the one job in the house where doing it quickly is FAR more hassle than the time saved is worth- no matter what methods you use including all of the above (and I have used them all).

  9. i suggest u use the Spatuler it comes with the fridge/freezer and all you gotta do is to have strength and break down the ice, make sure u have gloves on (u dont wnt to get any frost bites) and use a big tray (so u wont get any ice on the floor) ....i did it with my fridge. hope this helps!!

  10. get plenty of towels and line your fridge and the floor surrounding it,and throw boiling water over the ice.keep doing this until the ice is easy to break off(try breaking the ice off each time you throw water over it),it takes time(and makes a bit of a mess) but it works brilliantly.

  11. for saftey dont use anything you have to plug in..boil hot water and salt

    then poor it in the freezer the use a rag to clean it up

  12. pans of hot boiling water works fast.

  13. Turn off the fridge and freezer.

    Empty them, wrapping everything frozen in newspaper or bubble wrap to keep it that way. Put a pan of hot water into the freezer compartment, with another empty pan under the drain hole from it. (usually at the centre of the bottom of the freezer box, it may have a little cap on it which you'll need to open) The steam will melt the ice really quickly. Don't be tempted to hack the ice off with a knife, since you may puncture the coolant tubes which are only just below the surface (or in some cases on it).

    When all the ice is gone, give everything a good clean, with something like sodium bicarbonate (baking soda) on a damp cloth.

    Turn the appliance back on, and replace everything you took out of it.

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