
Does anyone have a recipe for perrogis and potato pancakes that is easy to follow?

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i am looking for an easy-to-understand recipe for perrogis and potato pancakes. it doesn't really matter to me what the perrogis are stuffed with, maybe potato and onion? i can cook really well, i just don't know any of the technicial terms.

thank you for your help!




  1. supper easy perrogis

    buy a package of premade wonton wrappers,  

    mix together some mashed potatoes, about a cup will do

    two tablespoons minced onion

    a little salt and pepper to taste

    place a small dollop of this mixture in center of wonton wrapper fold over and seal edges by either brushing edges with a beaten egg or just a little water just enough to dampen and press edges together to seal well,

    add to gently boiling water for just a  couple minutes, drain you can then lightly saute till lightly brown in a little melted butter . if you like you can add just a small pinch of sage to the melted butter.

    Potato Cakes

    leftover mashed potatoes about a cup to a cup and a half

    one small onion finely chopped or one to two tlbs. dried onion

    approx. two thirds cup flour (add more at end if not stiff enough to make a nice pattie)

    one beaten egg

    salt and pepper to taste.

    mix well shape into patties and fry in hot grease, a cast iron skillet works beautifully , but any saute pan will do. do not try to turn untill throughly browned on first side.

  2. My mother made the best potato pancakes in the world. I took these to work for my Jewish co-worker and she said they were the best latkes she'd every had. Don't forget the baking powder! They keep the pancakes from being too heavy. I also like to rinse the ground potatoes with water and drain well to get rid of some of the starch, but that is not absolutely necessary.  

    My Mom's Potato Pancakes

    Serves 6-8

    1 lb. russet potatoes, peeled,either grated very fine, or ground in the food processer.

    1 onion, grated or ground in food processor

    1/2 c. flour

    1 egg

    1/2 tsp. baking powder

    seasoned salt and pepper, to taste

    Vegetable oil for frying

    1. Mix the ground potatoes, onion, flour and egg.

    2. Heat a skillet, then add a couple tbsp. of oil. When the oil is hot, use a gravy ladle to measure the batter to make pancakes about 4" in diameter.

    3. Cook until golden on the first side and the edges are looking dryish. (Keep the heat fairly high so the cakes don't absorb too much oil.) Turn and cook til golden on the other side. Sprinkle with seasoned salt and pepper.

    4. Serve immediately -- potato pancakes get soggy if they sit too long. Serve with applesauce and/or sour cream.

  3. Try the site has great recipes

    (She is polish!).

  4. I am cutting and pasting recipes from, that have received the highest of ratings.  If interested, I would recommend you visit the link, as the recipes are also easier to read there (the numbering in the method does not paste), you can read the submitters notes, and read all of the rave reviews, which often include suggestions.  Yummy ;)

    UKRAINIAN PEROGIES, for Beginners

    32 min | 30 min prep

    48 perogies


    2 cups flour

    1/2 cup milk, warm

    1/2 cup potato, well mashed

    1 teaspoon salt

    1 tablespoon vegetable oil


    1/2 cup chopped onion

    1/4 cup butter

    2-3 cooked potatoes, mashed

    1 cup grated cheddar cheese

    Alternate Filling

    2-3 cups cottage cheese, drained (or use dry curd)

    1/3 cup fresh dill, chopped

    1 egg

    salt and pepper (taste before adding egg!)


    Mix dough ingredients together.

    You may have to add more liquid or flour to make the dough soft and somewhat sticky.

    Turn onto a floured surface and knead more flour into dough- just enough to make it easier to handle.

    The dough will be slightly sticky.

    Do not over-knead.

    Place dough in an oiled bowl.

    Cover and let rest for 30 minuets.


    Cook onion in butter.

    Mix with potatoes, and add cheese while the mixture is still hot.

    You may substitute Cheez Whiz for the cheddar.

    Let filling cool before using (place in fridge.) If you are using the alternate filling, simply mix those ingredients together.


    Set a large pot of water to boil.

    Form walnut-sized balls of the filling.

    Roll out dough on floured surface fairly thinly (3 millimeters, or 0.125 inch).

    You will probably need to add flour as you roll.

    Cut out circles approxamitely 7 1/2 centimeters (3 inches) in diameter (a wider-mouthed glass should do fine.) Press scraps into a ball.

    Place filling ball in center of dough circle.

    If the dough has a less-floury side, keep that side up.

    Fold dough over ball, and pinch edges to form a half circle.

    To prevent perogies with"horns", I pinch at the top ("90degree mark") of the perogy first, then pinch at the 180 and degree edges, working up to the 90 degree mark.

    You can cheat pinching the perogies by smearing water on the filling side of the dough at the edges, and keep your fingers floured when you pinch (on the non-filling side.) In order to prevent perogies from drying out, keep finished perogies on a floured surface, and cover with a floured clean dishcloth.

    Place several perogies in boiling water.

    Stir once, gently with a slotted spoon.

    Perogies are done when they float for a minute (this will take 2-3 minutes).

    Melt about 1/2 cup of butter or margarine in microwave.

    Rescue and drain the perogies with the slotted spoon.

    Place in a bowl, drizzle with some melted butter, and gently shake to distribute the butter.

    Cook, drain, and drizzle the other perogies in the same manner.

    *Platzkies(pronounced"plutch-keys"): (The scrap dough is not tender enough to make into perogies, but make good"dumplings" by themselves.) Roll out scraps to approxamitely the same thickness as before.

    Add minimal flour, and handle dough as little as possible.

    Try to keep edges even.

    Cut dough with a knife into strips about 8 cm (3 inches) wide.

    Cut each strip into several triangles and/or squares.

    Cook strips in water until they float.

    Repeat draining and drizzling treatment as with perogies.


    Here is another one, similar to mine, but too long to paste here:

    VORENIKI (PEROGIES), Potato/Cheddar Cheese & Onion


    LATKES (Potato Pancakes)

    50 min | 30 min prep

    SERVES 10

    3 lbs potatoes

    2 eggs

    1 teaspoon salt

    3 tablespoons all-purpose flour or matzo meal

    1/2 teaspoon baking powder

    1 onion, minced

    black pepper, to taste

    paprika, to taste

    vegetable oil (for frying)

    1.  Wash and peel the potatoes.

    2.  Grate the potatoes with a grater or food processor.

    3.  (You can grate them into a bowl of salted water to keep them from discoloring. Otherwise they discolor about as fast as you can grate them, although it doesn't hurt anything if you use them right away). Drain off all liquid, and squeeze the excess liquid out by hand.

    4.  (Do this even if you don't soak them in the salted water.) Beat the eggs and mix with the grated potatoes and other ingredients, except the oil.

    5.  Heat about 1/2 inch of oil in a skillet over medium high heat until very hot.

    6.  Drop potato mixture by heaping tablespoons into oil (about 4 at a time).

    7.  Use a pancake turner to flatten them out.

    8.  Fry to golden brown on both sides (about 3 minutes per side).

    9.  Drain on paper towels.

    10.  Serve topped with applesauce or sour cream.  

  5. I have only made this recipe once but it turned out so good. It is a  recipe from Jeff Smith the Frugal Gourmet.

    I made a 1/2 batch of this and I am still usung them out of my freezer almost 2 mnths later.

    2 cups sour cream

    4 1/2 cups flour

    2 tbsp melted butter

    2 eggs plus 1 yolk

    2 tsp salt

    2 tbsp veggie oil

    In a lg bowl mix all ingredients and knead into a soft pliable dough. Cut in 1/2 and let rest, coverd for 10 min. Roll thin and cut using a drinking glass or biscuit cutter. Fell seal, and cook the way you want.

    I like to boil mine for a few min, then fry in butter until golden brown and crispy, then eat with a little more butter on top and some salt.

    Fill with wat ever you want. Make up some cheesy mashed potatoes or what ever sounds good. I did cheesy taters and they awere soooo good.

  6. I agree, Martha Stewart's site would be a good place to start, but unless you've ever made Pierogi before, you're in for a shocker.  It's an all day process.  If you've got the time, more power to you, but personally, I just go to my local Eastern European grocery, and buy them fresh.  They aren't quite as good as what my grandmother used to make, but then again, I don't have the day to spend doing nothing but making Pierogi.

    As far as Potato Pancake, all I do is grate a raw potato, mix in an egg and flour - just to bind it all together, then fry it.  I like mine with sugar, so I don't add anything to the mix, but my father likes his savory, so I used to make a separate batch with some grated onion and salt/pepper for him.

    Good luck!

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