
Does anyone have a resonable explantion for this UFO?

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At first I thought it was a helicopter, but looks saucer like and different. What do you guys and gals think?




  1. Spacecraft from a distant world outside our Solar System?  I doubt such. It's a given any visitation from such beings would mean they possess technology millions of years ahead of our current state of technology.

    Given that: They'd see us like aneobas---and likely take our planet like it was prime real estate--w/out firing one shot....and we'd be fools to take the first shot!

    That leaves three other plausible possibilities:  

    A hoax: likely some clever stage set up made to look like a UFO


    It's a real event: Some form of ultra-secret Government experiment; an air craft that uses no known engines of propulsion, which ties into a different but speculative theory....

    It's a REAL air / space / time traversal craft, borne from technology thousands of years ahead of our current state--from the future!!!

    And that's my take on the UFO matter: they're time travellers that have since early history, darted in and out--monitoring events, ever careful NOT to alter them.....or maybe alter them.  Since the beginnings of man's recorded history: UFO sightings have been documented long before the genre of science fiction took hold.

    But I also note the video segement voice is that of Star Trek: The Next Generation actor Jonathan Frakes.  The only UFO type program I know he hosted dealt with the subject of "Alien Autospy" done several years ago.  Today, we know the "alien autospy" footage presented on THAT show is an elaborate hoax.

    Bruce Macabee's input on the show does NOT have him say it's a UFO; only that it's " a real event---not a hoax".....and he's quite right.

    Bet the bank Macabee knows more about the UFO matter than he is letting on.  But to date, there's not much video documentation of UFO landings, other than the video in the clip shown.  And until we see more "UFO" craft landing video clips--we won't have anything to go on.


  2. I am open to the possibility of UFOs. I do not believe this is one.  

  3. It is so obviously a helicopter photographed at night with it's lights on. You can even see the tail section.

  4. While I don't necessarily disbelieve in UFOs.I'm not impressed by this video.First it seems like it's been around awhile.Second these anonymous things do very little but muddy the waters.Why be anonymous and cryptic?Certainly aliens if that's what they were knew they were being recorded.How hard would it be to find the camera person or stop them.Can I explain it?No I can't,but this video is useless as evidence.

  5. All flying aircraft have to incorporate a strobe light on its fuselage if it's going to fly at night and not have a hefty fine placed on the pilots and owner of aircraft.

  6. I've always believed in UFO's and aliens and very strict about it. I can have endless argument against people who don't believe in it :) as it's hard it believe that WE are 'IT' in this whole universe, and i've thought i've seen a UFO myself before but it was diamond shaped in the sky with red and green lights around it.

  7. Wow! I do not have an answer, but this topic interests me also. I am going to check out your link. Nothing shocks me anymore. I'll get back after viewing it. Love, Ivy P.S. cool Avatar. A helicopter, my you know what? Did you notice the alien shaped face to the left of this craft? I do not know, but that was amazing, and I put it in my favorites to show my husband. Did you witness this as well?

    My husband is a skeptic who more or less "has a see it to believe it attitude". He says the craft looks authentic, but the people in the video look like actors to him who are making a pun.

    I do not know who those people are to judge their authenticity, so I am open to all possibilities. Cool clip either way.

  8. When the guy said helicopter, then it showed the picture right after, you could kind of see the fuselage going back to the rear rotor.  Helicopters are not quiet, and if it was a helicopter, and there were witnesses, they should have heard the classic "thunka thunka thunka" helicopter sound.  This was not addressed in the video, which I found odd.

  9. That could be classified military air craft or a hoax..I must agree the sender appears to be a bit nutty...anyways I saw a strange anomaly in the sky one time in the state of Texas. Certainly nothing known air/space craft are capable of. And no trajectory a meteorite would take. What it is...I simply don't know.

  10. I'm actually going to say "hoax" because ETV's don't use ground-based police flares.

    Also, in some of the shots take a close look at the right-hand side: there's a helicopter tail.

  11. One of 'theirs', it appears to be one of the Rendlesham variety.

  12. I think it is a trick of light or video trick. Not real.

    No prove can be given that U.F.O came from Outside this earth.

    It is and was named such, Unidentified Flying Object, because  we don't really know what it its.

  13. Why would a spacecraft use ground flares? That doesn't make any sense at all. The "Guardian" person who sent the tape in looks like a conspiracy nut as well. Why give yourself a pseudonym when you also give a thumb print? Also, those papers were full of paranoid stuff like the compass and eye symbol with the caption below that read "Symbol of organizations working with alien forces in Canada". None of this wackiness is addressed in the clip.

    My favorite part was when the cop said that he concluded it was a helicopter after an investigation, the other guy says, "That's a completely ridiculous explanation." Yes, a helicopter: Ridiculous. An alien spaceship: Plausible. Give me a break.

    And judging by some of the shots, the cop apparently explained his investigation in some detail, but whoever was making this video edited it out.

  14. *sigh* OMG! if it involves aliens, its fake! there is no such thing as a UFO!

  15. its not an alien space craft, thats for sure.

  16. On thing that always got me about UFOs, (and I am not a skeptic, I believe some of them can be)

    If they are so technologically advanced, why all the flashy lights and stuff?  You would think any one (or anything) that is on a recon mission or even jsut to observe would want to be discreet, right? If they really wanted themselves to be known and seen They would just land and say "Hi."

    Why the theatrics? Or could they just be a bunch of sarcastic kids in their perents' cars s******g with the primitive idiots?  (I think for intelligent beings, the later theory is probably more correct just a bunch of drunk kids messing around with us in dad's saucer.)

  17. It's obviously a helicopter in grainy night shot video

    The "anonymous" source has a vivid imagination, and in the worst kind of Fox Mulder way...wants to believe.

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