
Does anyone have a small infant, and if you do how are you dealing with it?

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I have a 1 yr old boy. He weighs 16lbs and is 27 inches. Everywhere I go people are always commenting on his size. Im so tired of it. I always tell people that size doesn't matter as long as he's healthy and he is healthy. The only problem is that my son isn't a great eater. It takes a long time to feed him him because he constantly spits his food out. I just want to hear from other moms who are going through the same thing.




  1. my son is also 1 and he is a picky eater. and size really don't matter my nephew is 3 months younger than my son and he is bigger then my son. and has always been. everyone thinks my nephew is older then my son because he is bigger. as long as he is growing there is no worries. you just have to not listen to people. most of them don't know what they are talking about anyways.

  2. I have the opposite problem then you, my son is huge for his age. If people say something rude to me like, "isn't he kinda big?" I just stare at them, you know, raise an eyebrow and give them a look and I don't say a word. They normally get the point.

    By the way, you are lucky, my son is growing out of his clothes like a weed, lol.

  3. oh yeah!! as long as the doctor says he's healthy then I wouldn't worry.  Start offering him pediasure if you don't feel he's getting all his nutrients! But boys are all funny friends son wouldn't eat meat until he turned 2! lol!!! so it's just a phase!!!  

  4. I also have the small problem - on the opposite scale.  My son is about to turn a year and is outgrowing 2T clothes.  People comment on how cute he is and then try to talk and interact with him like a 2-3 year old.  When he doesn't really respond, they look at him dubiously and say, "Not very talkative today, is he?" or "Is there something wrong with him? Sick?"  

    I am the one whose sick - sick to death of saying over and over, "No, he doesn't really say much yet.  He's only 11 months old."

    Then, come the comments re: him being a big boy, questions re: how tall my husband is, and hopes that he is healthy.  

    It is nice that people are interested, but it is wearing to repeat yourself over and over.  

  5. as long as he is healthy then he is fine. My daughter doesnt really eat either. So what I do is let her feed herself and play around with her food and then sometimes i would feed her when shes playing with her food. She eats better like that. Maybe you can try that if your son with you havent try it yet.

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