
Does anyone have a.......... that they...??

by  |  earlier

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does anyone have an embarassing/funny/sad/crazy/weird story or dream they could share?? (:

im in the mood for show and tell. ahah..... story time? :D




  1. ha ha

    this is funny but embarrassing

    k one day me and this guy who i kinda like were texting.   we were making plans to hang out because we always hang out.

    we both go to church  which is where i know him from.

    we were going to hang out after church and we were trying to figure out which service to go to.

    i told him i was going to 1st and he asked y

    and because i was distracted by my best friend on the phone

    i replied


    instead of BECAUSE I WANT TO

    hes like "you want me?"

    it was  funny

  2. haha you have good questions im gonna add you to my contacts :D

    um i had a weird dream last night, i moved to the middle of australia to an aboriginal community and they hated me because i have white skin so they took me to Ayers Rock (Uluru) and tried to make me jump off it, then this wacko mulit-coloured hippy van with these jamaican guys wth guitars came along and told me to get and we went and got ice cream LOL


  3. My towns mostly white. I was 5 and my mom told me Black people were chocolate people So I was in the cart and a black lady was behind us and I was like Chocolate chocolate pointing at the woman mom said it was awkward! lol

  4. when i was 3 my parents wanted to rent some movies and i wanted to go w/ my dad... we didnt have a car at the time so we called a taxi... b4 we left (as a joke) my mom said to my dad "dont forget the pornos or ill be pissed" they both laughed and my dad and i went into the taxi. When we got to the movie store i didnt want to go in because i was "talking" to the taxi driver lol and b4 he got out i said "daddy dont forget mommys pornos or she'll get pissed" the taxi driver gave my dad a weird look and my dad ended up taking me into the store. my dad said it was pretty embarrassing. lol

  5. When I was young I use to have constant dreams. The same dream over and over nights in a row. One happened every time I slept downstairs. I'd stare up at a lamp and doze off. The dream started with me, mom, dad, and sister going into this arcade place. Everything seemed normal. Then my dad would sit in this "ride"- a reclined seat. Once he did, the chair grew spikes. The ceiling had spikes coming down from it to kill everyone. My dad should have been gone because the chair closes together on you. But we all ran out to the van and spikes started to come through the roof. Never leaving the parking lot, I would always wake up after that part.

  6. Me nd my mate wer in the park and my mate goes to me "OMG look at his *****!" The man looks at us and gives me an evil look, and he went bright red. We burst out laughing and walked away....oops.

  7. When I was little probably 3 or 4 my dad was so drunk he gave me like diz cup of beer I guezz I was thirsty nd though it was water nd well my daddy probably didn't realize he gave it 2 me but yea I dranked it 1st I spited it nd den I ended up drinkin a little more then my mom freaked nd my dad was like omg my bad....l0l....true story parents told me lol....haha  

  8. I had a dream last night that everything around me became a bobble head...that was weird...

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