
Does anyone have a traditional family Maltese recipe for Figolli? Not one I can jst find here on the internet?

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Does anyone have a traditional family Maltese recipe for Figolli? Not one I can jst find here on the internet?




  1. This is my sister's recipe. I don't know where she got it. She often sends recipes to me by e-mail.

    350 grams caster sugar

    800 grams plain flour, sifted

    400 grams butter

    Grated rind of 1 lemon

    4 egg yolks, beaten

    almond paste

    600 g caster or icing sugar

    2-3 egg whites

    Grated rind of I lemon

    A few drops orange flower water

    600 grams almonds, ground


    Glacé icing

    Royal icing

    Small Easter eggs

    Make the pastry by mixing the sugar with the flour, then rubbing in the butter until the mixture resembles fine crumbs.

    Add the grated lemon rind and the yolks, mixed with a little water to make a dough.

    Leave to chill. Add the sugar, orange flower water and lemon rind to the ground almonds, and bind with the egg whites.

    Roll out the pastry and cut out your shapes. Make two of each figure as they will be sandwiched with almond paste.

    Lay the first shape on a greased and floured baking tray, spread with almond paste, leaving a small margin.

    Lay the second shape over the top and press the edges together. It helps if you wet the edges with a pastry brush to stick Bake at 200'C/400'F/gas 6 for 5 minutes, then at 180'C/350'F/gas 4, for about 20 minutes, until pale golden. Cool on the tray.

    When cold, coat with glacé icing, then decorate with royal icing in a different colour,

    While the icing is soft, press a small, foil-wrapped Easter egg in the middle of each shape.

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