
Does anyone have a training schedule for a triathalon beginner?

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Does anyone have a training schedule for a triathalon beginner?




  1. assuming your not an Ironman type beginner, then you could keep it real simple with a six day plan with an even split of;

                 2 days for swim workouts(may not be enough if new to swimming)

    Note: Swim workouts  are best done using intervals of about 3 to 1 work /rest ratio ,as swimming long continous distances can  cause your stroke efficiencey to diminish as well as cause you to develop bad stroke habits that are difficult to change. New Swimmers should find experienced coaches/swimmers for help with stroke mechanics. Practice makes permanant! so get this right early on.

                 2 days for cycling

                 2 days for running

    This keeps it simple and only one workout per day.

    i would suggest something like the following;

                                                                              workout  intensity

                                                                      M-H=moderate to hard

                                                                      E-M=easy to moderate

    mon - swim 800 - 1000 meters total

    tue - run/jog/walk 25 to 45 mins                                        M-H

    wed  - bike 45 mins to 1hr w/ avg speed 12 to 15 mph E-M

    thur  - swim 1000 meters total

    fri - run/ jog / walk  20 to 35 mins                                      E-M

    sat  bike 45 mins to 1 hr avg speed 13 to 16 mph         M-H

    sun - rest


    Increase swim distances by 5-10% weekly untill in the range of 2000-2500 meters

    As the weeks progress increase the Saturday bike rides by 10 to 15 % untill you can ride for 1.5 to 2 .5 hrs with comfort.

    After one month begin to alternate every other Saturday from strickly a bike ride to a bike and transition into a run.

    This is very important as it is not very comfortable for newbies to make this transition, but you will improve at it with experience.

    Example: A Saturdays  alloted  workout time(on bike) may call for 90 mins total on bike and it is your alternating bike and run transition week, then I might do 70 -75 mins on the bike and 15 -20 jog/run/walk as soon as i get off the bike.

    To improve your ability to transition from bike to run , it is only nessaccerary to run 1 to 2(max) miles after completeing your bike workout.

    Week of Triathlons cut distances by about half, and I would strongly suggest a rest day two to three days before race/event.    

    If want more then you can increase each run/bike/swim to 3 times per week, but only do one M-H per week in run/bike. Swimming workouts can usually be M-H as recovery from swimming is easier, however if yiur new to swimming find a coach or team/club to swim with. Seek instruction concerning your stroke and at the very least do a little research on stroke mechanics as I promise you this can be the most challengeing part of a triathlon, a total shark feeding when the gun goes off.  I have been swam over , kicked in the faced and goggles lost, inhaled water (felt as though I would drown), and swam in water almost cold enough to induce hypothermia(with out a wet sut,not smart) and by far it can be the most mentally challengeing part of any tri. More than once during the swim Ive quizzed my self about why i was putting me through this.

    The best guide I ever read was DAVE SCOTTS, I think it is called TOTAL TRIATHLETE but not certian.

    His plan will allow anyone to formulate workouts for all levels and all competion distances. It is easy to read, understand, and insightfull.

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