
Does anyone have a trick to get a VHS tape to go in the machine when it just keeps popping out?

by  |  earlier

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The tape looks like it is going in, stops and then pops out. It isn't all tapes, just some, so I don't think it is my player.




  1. Put the tape in, and put your hand over the entrance...

    lol that's what I do... just keep messing with it.

    It may be dusty inside...clean it.


  2. Push it in,and hold it there for a second longer,this sometimes convinces it to stay in.

  3. I had old vhs tapes of home movies recorded from a video cam.  i had to place those tapes into a special vhs tape converter then plug it into a vhs as a regular video.  the problem i found was there is a battery in the converter.  it had run out of charge. once i replaced the battery, it fixed the problem.

  4. yes it,s the loading spools and they are driven by rubber drive wheels inside the machine,if you take pure alcohol on a cloth and clean them it should remove the problem or does your video have drive belts these usually slip with age, seek proffesional help if you are unsure! WARNING remember to unplug from mains b4 taking the back off your appliance!

    ps, don't be mislead by the use of converter units that take c' size video tapes and you put them into a casset holder which is the same size as a vhs tape as these need a battery  to operate them.which usually needs changing.

  5. yes, make sure the tape tension is correct, make sure that the sensor light inside the VCR is clean - you have disassemble the vcr to clean that.

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