
Does anyone have a valid theory about why that guy did what he did on the greyhound bus?

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Seriously - mental illness, cannibalistic cults...? Why the h**l would someone DO something like that?

And no stupid answers like "Cuz he was f***ed up" or "Chinese people are crazy". We don't need to hear that stuff.




  1. There are people that are this insane on the streets. Insanity is the only answer. People wonder about motivations and some here are trying to blame the victim as if some former association would merit this crime. Chemical imbalances in the brain are the motivation. Consider Ted Bundy or the Green River Killer. What were their motivations? Nothing but insane ideas stemming from chemical imbalances. People are crazy and it's always a good idea to watch what is happening around you and be able to notice sublime behavior that might be  a warning signal.

  2. he is insane. No sane person sits calm for half the ride then randomly slays a person. He will most likely be sent to a mental institution.

  3. Who knows what causes a person to snap like that but to think it was random I'm not sure I believe that. I know everyone will say that nobody deserves to die that way no matter what and I am not God to make such a judgement but I did notice from some of the news reports that the guy who was killed liked to gamble, take risks, it even mentioned that he played the game risk on a regular basis. So it just put a flag in my mind when I read that that maybe these two knew each other. Is that possible? Maybe family involvement. Internet is a place where sometimes those who might not otherwise have the nerve to speak their minds feel sort of immortal or exempt from any type of repercussions almost like a surreal ness (if that’s a real term); they feel unapproachable or invincible perhaps from being behind a computer late at night behind the walls of where ever they reside and feel as though the internet isn't real and that its a mere caricature of reality. After all the World Wide Web is called the virtual world. Maybe it had something to do with a game of risk, maybe Mr. Li was provoked, May be it had something to do with a loved one, who really can say for sure at this point. One thing is for sure, there are a lot of people making comments on the internet including condolences who other than it being an attempt to bring attention to themselves have no idea what they are talking about without knowing if what they think is the full story is in fact the full story. Seems strange to me that someone would go to such lengths to go all the way to Winnipeg or wherever it was it happened, buy tickets, get time off from work, etc. and specify when it was they were having a job interview (end of July in Winnipeg from news reports!) when if all they wanted to do was kill someone maybe they could have done that close by their home town or at work. Is there anyone who if truth be known doesn’t have favorites at a work place? Come on.. Call a spade a spade! Could it be that Mr. McLean sensed his fate coming to an end at around the time he messaged his dad and that somehow his message to his dad was some sort of last minute attempt to find comfort from feeling his world closing in on him? Wasn’t that message sent around the time Mr. Li allegedly relocated to the back of the bus? Were identifications made during the smoke break? Something smells if you ask me? Did Mr. McLean know Mr. Li’s wife Anna?

    I first noticed also from news reports that Mr. Li delivered papers which puts his waking hours somewhere in the ‘wee hours of the mornin’ and from what I read about Mr. McLean he was somewhat of an internet extrovert and that could have possibly put their paths in-sync somehow. Well it’s worth checking into. Question is.. if this comes Just after George Bush signed some bill to put some American Army Dude from death row to the chair, could it be Canada's attempt to flex its American muscles and entertain the idea of capital punishment. It sure would make Steven Harper look like a hero and make good on a term in office where it seems he is the first to publicly introduce the concept that palates and politics are very similar (strange how they look similar in spelling too isn't it? .. Scary!). But then to have the personal bandwidth of understanding to conceptualize such a thing one might need to recon that if marconi sent the first telegraphic message wirelessly across the Atlantic some more than 100 years ago and arguably before wired telegraph and thereby writing the blueprint for all kinds of wireless reception and transmission and if the incredibleness of the cell phone has only been with us for the past 20 or 30 years or so then maybe as I read in previous threads from other sites its time that people realize that other things have to be investigated here too such as the possibility that both of these people involved in this public event might be victims of remote profiling done by black bag departments of the Crown government. Crazy concept? Well one might also recon that if a person half way around the world can buy a web camera for as little as $5.00 use their notebook computer with a wireless connection somewhere in a field even close to a city for example and someone else on the other side of the world can too purchase a web cam for about the same price and too use their notebook on a wireless connection they can be looking at and talking to each other in near real time on opposite ends of the world, then what kind of technology does the government really have if trillions of dollars have poured into technology development with millions of government employees over the course of several decades and possibly more than a whole century? Now take that delay in real time from the web camera example with the technology that government OBVIOUSLY has like the web camera, make an earth based transmitter that can communicate with the satellites (which are nothing more than antennas for the earth stations that were operational for decades before satellite antennas) that can remotely sensitize a person’s mind and body functions from years of studying and mapping and calculating and patterning and walah!.. Remotely controlled puppets, for elite government and secret society entertainment and all sorts of government placements AND ON MEGA SCALES TOO. (Hint: if those 2 web camera users that we mentioned earlier were to type a message to each other as well then they have successfully remotely manipulated physical matter half the world around (in case you can’t see it from the web cameras examples themselves) so you can just imagine what technology the government has for the remote manipulation component)..Worth taking a further look at isn't it?

    One things for sure.. that type of government activity is illegal and any government officials who can be caught in support for this type of activity is too operating illegally and is due to be set free from public office.

    Question is.. If the police are straight enough and doing the job they are paid to do and that is to represent the wishes of common Canada and not the "Crown" though collectively their express realities in recent years ((perhaps since the inauguration of the current Queen in 52 who is supposed to be a Queen making I believe $8,000,000 or lbs. (not sure which per year!) being a real queen instead of the alternative philanthropist she opted to be, being a business guru and all)) have shown otherwise, will they fess up the true story and balance the books of Justice on the victims of this case?

    Canadians pay these blues to give the true blues not the blues blues! Whoever said that those of public office who think they have the paid right or qualified ego to withhold the truth from the public aren’t too big for their own britches?

    Will be interesting to see it unfold for sure.

  4. I have to believe this man was truly mentally ill...there is NO other explanation..... this is one of the saddest stories I have heard...this week....lord help us...

  5. Have you ever gone any place by bus? I'm surprised a beheading doesn't happen on every trip.The guy just snapped that's all.

  6. People like that, do not deserve to live.  Honestly if your not happy with yourself, why endanger the lives of others?? ..Idiot is definently a freakin "pshyco" ..belongs in h**l !

  7. The bus was running late.

  8. There's NOTHING to "theorize". The Guy is Mentally ill. After the fact, the "details" -the What, Why & How He GOT that way- are Incidental. This is one of those HORRIBLE "Human" things that happen on Occasion... -that make us "look around", Count our blessings, & get ON with Our lives with a NEW Appreciation- for our OWN Sanity...

  9. they don't stop often enough for lunchbreaks, and the guy was hungry.

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