
Does anyone have a very hard cat that could persuade this big Tom that it's a very bad idea to continue to ?

by  |  earlier

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burgle my flat and nick little Lucy's food?

No violence required I'd just like him to be persuaded to make the decision himself to stop this behaviour!

Kind regards





  1. It's often said - and bear in mind, I've never tried this, and have no idea if it's an urban myth - that if you go and get a shovel full of lion poo from the nearest zoo, and leave it in your garden, invading domestic moggies will give you a *very* wide berth...

    Failing that, buy a super-soaker.

    EDIT: I've just bubmled around google a little to see if this actually works, as I'm a bit curious now. Reports are mixed, but generally favourable; also, there's a convenient dried and packaged version (still lion poo) that is supposed to be quite good; however, it may need to be replaced after rain.

    Here it is, anyhow -

    Have you considered getting a dog?

  2. try putting a mirror were he gets in, will scare the c**p out of him. lol

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