
Does anyone have a villa to rent in Malaga over August bank holiday weekend?

by Guest59853  |  earlier

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Does anyone have a villa to rent in Malaga over August bank holiday weekend?




  1. no

  2. Nice straightforward question.  A few questions come to mind though(I am Owner of a Travel Agency):

    1-How many are renting besides you?

    2-August Bank holiday weekend isn't something that is observed in the USA.  What stretch of August would that be?

    3-What amenities are important for you to have at your Villa?

    4-Do you have a Travel budget in place?

    Minor details certainly but important in that it really simplifies the search for a Villa in Malaga, Spain.  If you could kindly either call, email me at:, or reach me through Yahoo Messenger with your criteria, we can see what Villas in Malaga, Spain are available during the period you specified.

  3. You would not be able to afford it !carry on dreaming.

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