
Does anyone have a volleyball training website?

by  |  earlier

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The volleyball season is almost over. I want to start training for next year immediatley!! Does anyone have a good or recomended book or website that I could use to help guide my training? Please and thanks so much!




  1. While I think it's great that you want to train in the off season - I think that your desire to train by yourself, and not with a team could be problematic.

    Let's face it - volleyball is a team sport. There is only so much you can do on your own. Things you can do on your own (strength conditioning, speed training) - are good. But you can't effectively practice spiking by yourself, you need a setter. Also, it's more effective to practice your spiking when you have people blocking you. You're not always going to get to spike on an open net.

    You can practice setting by yourself, but it's not nearly as effective as somebody passing the ball to you, and then you setting it.

    You  can't effectively work on your digs, or serve recieves without somebody spiking at you, or serving to you.

    What about working on rotation, spike coverage, who covers what area of the floor?

    I think it's admirable that you want to improve your skills, but I think you'd be much better off if you find a competetive club program in your area, or a Junior Olympics team - and play with them. You'll still want to improve your personal skills, strength and condidtioning. However, you will be a much improved player if you play consistantly on a competitive team.

    You can also look for open gyms, volleyball gyms, that you can goto and get into "pick up" games where you get put on a team, and learn to play together.

    There are some links below - good luck to you.




    Volleyball Drill Archive

    Thank for the tremendous positive response to the efforts of this web site.  I appreciate all of the emails in response to people finding and utilizing the site.  Remember to bear with me though, this is a work in progress that will hopefully never truly be completed.  I want to reemphasize the need for others to submit their favorite ( or least favorite ) drills that you use that others may find helpful in their coaching duties.  So, please submit your drills to me at the email address below, and I will put them on here as soon as I get a chance.  Please feel free to print off and copy any of the drills you find on this site.  Thanks again.





    Currently the site contains 74 drills!

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