
Does anyone have advice for buying seafood in Barcelona markets?

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Hay alguien quien tiene consejos para comprar als pescaderias de Barcelona?

I live next to Mercat Sant Antoni and I want to get some good seafood but I don't really know much about it. What is in season right now (names in Spanish/Catalan/English)? What are the different local fishes like? What is a good deal?

Vivo al lado de Mercat Sant Antoni y quiero comprar pescados/mariscos buenos, pero no conozco mucho. Que es en temporano ahora (nombres en castellano/catala/ingles)? Como son los pescados locales differentes? Que son los buenos precios?

(lo siento por mi espanol)




  1. We are famous for our seafood in Barcelona, so there's no advice that you'd really need in order to purchase it. The most popular seafood is of course bacallà, a form of salt cod that is eaten almost religiously in Catalonia.

    Prices will range from market to market, some of the open air markets won't mind if you try to bargain. But remember, if you go to a structured and modern supermarket the prices are set.

    We have a lot of different fishes, so it's kind of hard to give a detailed answer for that. Try bacallà. You'll like it. Try it with espinacs catalans (Catalan Spinach).

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