
Does anyone have advice on how to handle daily living between generational poverty stricken neighbors?

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My family owns a small business, we work very hard, By no means are we rich. We consider ourselves lower middle class. We live quietly and modestly. But our neighbors aren't I can't understand them. They live rent and utility free, never work, always have people living with them, fight constantly, drink/drugs seem to be all they do. I do not understand their chosen life style? Why do they cause so many problems? The police are there at least once a week. They are turning this quiet little neighborhood into a slum. Has anyone else ever had to cope through a situation like this? It's like lying to everyone is their religion. We live two families that live this way and they are always mad at each other, it sucks so much because we are directl between the two houses? I need advice, please?




  1. Iam not sure about your neighbors, since I can't observe them and do not have direct details....but I can tell you that I have had your neighbors living right next door to me a time or two, or ones like your neighbors, lol. Most generally my neighbors have been emmotionally charged or generated, and or there problems stem or were generated by emmotions. These people can and often fall into the Dramatic Personality Styles, which translates into is feelings and feelings are life itself............which is likely why they are so emmotional and angry.............Understand this way....take a few boxes of crayola's and dump them onto the floor randomly into a pile. Look at the pile of crayons for a bit. See what colors mostly landed on the top of the pile? Reds, oranges, yellows...or blacks, greys....or blues? Likely what you end up with is a mixed up color mess that is indeed very colorful, vibrant and all intertangled. This is how dramatic people can see life, like a color explosion. Feelings are a colorful rollercoaster ride...which when feelings are good, so is the ride....but when the colors are all doom and's a bad essence life is bad itself...............The other neighbors and I don't know one from the other, but the other party involved may be of the Sensitive Personality Style and thus emmotional and or sensitive to emmotion thrown at them......thus would make sense why they have things in common(emmotions) but fight about it or whatever emmotional issues they fight about. While they both share a deep understanding for feelings and emotion and both are driven by how they feel....the moral issues cause differences and clashes...and resulting from not seeing eye to eye comes the fighting. For these two personality groups life can be about how they feel, not what is right or about what is wrong, so much. One neighbor obviously feels pro drugs, and likely likes how he/she feels on drugs..or both neighbors do.Again, it's about feelings, not morals, the right, the wrong, the obvious fact that they are ruining the hood....................................... If everyone in these two parties is doing drugs, it effects their thinking one way or another. Drinking slows down the motor skills in the brain like coordination to walk and how do you expect them to make sense? They can't, that part of the brain that is responsible for speach and putting together conversation is floating in alcohol. This means that logic, and analytical thinking gets tossed out the window, it has no value. Normally we all have a part of the brain that monitors our own behavior, what we say, if we are rude or nice or break a rule or not....alcohol in a way, puts this part of the brain to sleep. So if the behavior guard is off duty, who is going to tell your drinking neighbors there actions are poor? Well, it won't be themselves, cuz the patrol part of the brain is floating in alcohol, may be asleep or blacked out for all you and I know. While one neighbor may go into a brain sleep and not remember something they lashed out and said to the other neighbor who isn't brain asleep...poof, you have instant grounds for a fight. What if one neighbor is drinking and doing drugs and punches the other neighbor, doesn't remember.....and the other neighbor who does remember stands there ground, is all angry, and demands an apology? Poof, instant grounds for a fight. Remember that these people are emmotionally charged here. I highly doubt anyone is lying at all, I suspect blackouts and the type of scenes I described occurring. Some drugs cant be mixed in booze at all ever, and can cause blackouts. Alcohol itself can cause a person to loose memory(blackouts) in large enough amounts. Drugs, and I know what they say on the street but it simply isn't true, effect every person very differently. Example, you and I both have a headache, we both take 2 asprin. 1 hour later you are just now saying the medicine is finally starting to, I had relief withing 30 minutes of taking the medicine, cuz Iam older. If your neighbors are all smoking weed together, who is to say that they all have the same drug effects? Not me. Some drugs go in and effect how the nerves work nerve ending to nerve ending, by slowing down the pain message from being sent...some drugs go right to the brain and shut off the part of the brain that deals with pain. Do you know for sure what drugs the neighbors are doing over there? If you don't, then you can't know possibly how the drugs are messing around with them. Example, drugs like mrphine, heroine shut off the brain pain control the body stops producing its pain when the drugs wear off and they do, the body more or less doesn't know what in the world to do and has sort of a crisis until it can start producing its own pain fighters what you often see with these types of drug users is ....Iam so high, Iam so happy and nice....and then when the drug wears off...out comes mean, grouchy, hung over, rude, I feel awful, the world is ugly and Iam going to take it out all on you type of person. This is really a common thing with alcohol and drugs and called a hangover. It is the withdrawls of a drug from the system, and it is powerful. Hangovers hurt very much. Your neighbors are to buisy and mind occupied to see the effects they have on the hood...worrying about work, turning the place into a slum, simply is not there concern, getting high is there objective.                                                                                                 These are emmotionally charged people, who have chemical issues. These people are not friends. They are not stable. They are not conductive in society. Please for the love of sanity, stay away from them, social ammenities only, no friendships. You simply can not use logic on chemicals, this is why cops hate drugs, it makes people senseless. And like even the cops know, people on chemicals only befriend there favorite chemicals (this why they don't work, act civil, and be rude to the only people that like them..your other neighbor). Be nice, wave, say hello, talk to the kids, but otherwise put distance between you and these people on both sides of you. If they come up to you when you are outside in your yard and try to engage you into conversations, go back in the house and claim you have calls to make, cleaning to do not be outside. Do not listen to there emmotional entrappings....they don't want problems solved for them, they want you to get involved, take sides and become part of the problem...they want more drugs and booze. If the po po keep showing up everyday...thank god, it means that they are well aware of the problems and this is what you want...the po po will get very sick of the drama and pretty soon they will fix it for everyone. My neighbors, for some reason one night up and moved out in a dead hurry....I don't know what they rush was, but I know the law came soon after they left wondering where they went to. The lady refused to work, her water and electic was shut off, she was running a kerosene heater to heat her house(I could smell it)...when summer came, of course so did the drug day she had a yard sale, I went to work, when I came home she was gone. Me and my old man wanted to buy the place being nest to us for the land, so I went over there and did some snooping, and saw all the stuff she left behind, like photos....and I realized she was like little miss gang banger tough is a good thing I stayed away cuz I could be in prison based on accussation of a crime somehow unable to prove my innocence and never get 8 to the gate knowing my luck....the cops don't care, when it comes to drugs they arrest everyone. You just have two neighbors, cops have an entire town of booze heads and dope heads to deal with. Please stay away.

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