
Does anyone have alternative ways to kill an internal staph infection?Have bad reactions to antibiotics?

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Does anyone have alternative ways to kill an internal staph infection?Have bad reactions to antibiotics?




  1. Alternative treatment

    Alternative therapies for staph infection are meant to strengthen the immune system and prevent recurrences. Among the therapies believed to be helpful for the person with a staph infection are yoga (to stimulate the immune system and promote relaxation), acupuncture (to draw heat away from the infection), and herbal remedies. Herbs that may help the body overcome, or withstand, staph infection include:

    Garlic (Allium sativum). This herb is believed to have anitbacterial properties. Herbalists recommend consuming three garlic cloves or three garlic oil capsules a day, starting when symptoms of infection first appear.

    Cleavers (Galium aparine). This anti-inflammatory herb is believed to support the lymphatic system. It may be taken internally to help heal staph abscesses and reduce swelling of the lymph nodes. A cleavers compress can also be applied directly to a skin infection.

    Goldenseal (Hydrastis canadensis). Another herb believed to fight infection and reduce imflammation, goldenseal may be taken internally when symptoms of infection first appear. Skin infections can be treated by making a paste of water and powdered goldenseal root and applying it directly to the affected area. The preparation should be covered with a clean bandage and left in place overnight.

    Echinacea (Echinacea spp.). Taken internally, this herb is believed to have antibiotic properties and is also thought to strengthen the immune system.

    Thyme (Thymus vulgaris), lavender (Lavandula officinalis), or bergamot (Citrus bergamot) oils. These oils are believed to have antibacterial properties and may help to prevent the scarring that may result from skin infections. A few drops of these oils are added to water and then a compress soaked in the water is applied to the affected area.

    Tea tree oil (Melaleuca spp.). Another infection-fighting herb, this oil can be applied directly to a boil or other skin infection.

  2. Colloidal Silver is a natural antibiotic which I purchase from  It is the best I know of when antibiotics are needed

  3. Go to the doctor! Tell him you're allergic to antibiotics. Staph is nothing to mess around about.

  4. Hey I answered your latest Q on this topic but wanted to say 1. Doctors also kill people - usually w/ their synthetic drugs

    2.  Jennifer M suggested taking several essential oils in a glass of H2O... Essential oils should never be taken internally, and esp. not that much!  It is highly concentrated!

    Just wanted you to know that is such bad/wrong advice!

  5. You need to see a doctor period. Not listen to any quackery on here.  Staph infections can kill you.  Doctors know how to treat people with medicine allergies.

    And quite frankly sometimes a bad reaction is better then dying.

  6. you should ask your doctor and let them know that you have bad reactions to the antibiotics

  7. Call a doctor instead of asking people who are not qualified to answer that. OR check out Webmd or run a search for home remedies for staph infections.

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