
Does anyone have an autistic child? i need some information

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i have a seven month old boy who seems completely healthy. He sits, crawls, stand by support, pay attention to other people but he is not making alotof eye contact. everytime i look at him , he prefers to look around but when i call him he respond. Please let me know what was the signs of sutism in your baby when he/she was in the same age.




  1. Hun not being rude but ..He is 7 months old if you had said 17 months maybe ..its to early to be stressing about autism in a baby of seven months old, although eye contact is a sign of autism there is no way a child would even be looked at for autism at this age, My son Thomas has severe autism signs for us where No speech, wouldn't respond to his name, hated being held, never felt pain and you say your son sits Thomas couldn't sit by himself until he was 13months old..Please stop worrying about autism your baby is seven months old ..enjoy him they don't stay babies for long !

  2. I was blessed with 3 healthy  children but it sounds like to me i would get his eyes checked and it could be that he does not see you that why he is looking around....has he ever given you eye to eye contact? has he ever been to the docs for this problem? If it were me i would have him checked out but  im kinda a over protective mother gl

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