
Does anyone have an idea for ( preschoolers ) making a craft using pocorn boxes? I have several of them.?

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Does anyone have an idea for ( preschoolers ) making a craft using pocorn boxes? I have several of them.?




  1. like the rectangular red boxes that say POPCORN?

    well you can make little ukeleiles out of paper towel rolls and different sized rubber bands.

    I dont know it usually works better out of a kleenex box [which they can bring from home]

  2. put beans in one, and rice in another and maybe a differnet pasta in another or rocks..

    then decorate them, then listen to them as you move them around and have the kids try to guess whats inside, then keep them around for  center time so the kids can play with them alone.

  3. make a monster

  4. how about a car ?

  5. make bird houses. they wont last long but the kids will have fun making them

  6. you can make little robots with the boxes. make the top of the box the head (the opened part). put one toilet paper roll on each short side to form arms. put two paper towel rolls on the bottom to make legs. this is how it should look


    __l l__  

    (not including the underscores at the bottom, just the l's) can put on a movie for them and you can put some popcorn in the boxes!

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