
Does anyone have an idea for what I can draw??

by  |  earlier

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I really need help with a list of things to draw. Drawing is the only thing that I can actually do in a way so if you would be so kind to help me with that I would greatlly apreciate it!!!




  1. You could draw the back of a person looking in a mirror and draw their face in the mirror.

  2. draw a pic of your hand drawing. thats what i did. it worked out quite well. i got alot of credit because hands are supposed to be difficult.  you could draw horses, a big tree in a feild with two lovers walking under it. you can draw a little girl looking into water. you could draw a dog egerly awaiting its owners return.

  3. It depend on what you like to draw. Imagination? or Realism? If you like to draw cartoony type things just goto and search for the types of themes that you like. I use it for inspiration sometimes. If you like to draw realism start by doing simple objects and focus on shading. Something like a lightsource on a towel is good practice.

  4. animals sharks, tigers, lions, meer cat, or if u don`t like animals you can draw yourself, people in you`re family, people you know, or anything you have.                                                                                                                                                                goodbye and, WOWABUNGAOOLASHORMAN

  5. Draw the things around you that you can see,

    Draw them together or draw them separately.

  6. Draw me i have big brown eyes full thick lips high cheek bones and a petite nose that sits gently in the center of my perfectly oval face. My hair is full and yellow reaching past my square muscular shoulders to drape lightly across my thick muscular chest.

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