
Does anyone have an idea of what this dream means?

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Last night I had a dream that I was at work (i work in a gym) and there were a group of 8 men holding everyone in the building hostage. In my dream, I was dating a man that was in the gym with his young children and he was arguing with his ex wife on the phone about the kids coming to live with her. At one point in the dream I saw his little girl roaming around the fitness equipment and because the people holding us hostage had a gun to my head I asked them if I could go to the little girl because she was upset. They let me go to her and just as I got to her, part of the building exploded. The next thing I know, we are running for our lives; hiding in buildings, dodging bullets etc. We make it to a safe house and are put into protective services where we learn that we are the only hostages to have survived and that the men were searching for us. In the mean time my boyfriend calls his ex and tells her that she will never get the kids. It ends up with her dying and us being on the run




  1. The best person to find meaning in your dreams is yourself. Simply see each part of your dream as symbol and relate it to your life. Are you looking for something? What are you running from? If you are running what does the figure that you run from represent? Is it an authority? Or is it who you don't want to be etc....

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