
Does anyone have an incinerator (Waste to Heat) installed by their local authority?

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to deal with waster disposal. If so who benefits is the heat used to fuel homes. And have you given any thought as to any potential health hazard associated with burning batteries and other noxious compounds being burned in the incinerator.

My local authority are examining the probablitiy of such a scheme here and I would like to know you views if you have experience locally of an incinerator that burns household and industrial waste.




  1. Where are u based, I may be that LA. We are going ahead with building one at the mo, It will burn at a high enough temperature that will remove (most) toxins along with a filter to keep the particulate level down to acceptable levels. I have concerns about its location but the chimney is tall enough to carry and air away from populated areas.   Part of the reclaiming energy is that it is easier to fit before building on top, I was quoted as a million a mile for it!

    Any incinerator is built with local recycling schemes in mind and so does not have huge capacity but enough to take local waste otherwise destined for landfill. And trust me on this one the tonnage is the most important difference. It is nothing compared to sending straight to landfill.

    I was originally against it but have had plenty of information available to me to make my own decision.

  2. I have no knowledge of anyone who has one, but as for water and exhaust ommisions from central heating systems, surely there must be a financially viable way of harnessing this energy caused by water disposal and heating systems, and at the same time filtering out the c02 and with some sort of dynamo generating what potentially could be a substantial amount of electricity out of of our waste, or at least cover the cost of our dreaded water bill waste charge !!!

  3. There is an incinerator near Toronto that has been operating inconspicuously for more than a decade.  In many cases incineration produces less overall pollution than either landfill or recycling.

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