
Does anyone have any advice for a 17 year old going to nice, france alone for a month?

by  |  earlier

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i have never even been out of the country and just seeing if anyone has any advice/ been to nice, france and can give me an idea how it will be for me...




  1. You don't say whether you speak any French or which country you are from originally. You don't tell us whether you will be working or where you will be staying. At 17 you could be very independent or very naive. How can we answer your question?

    Nice is a beautiful city by the sea. It has it's dangers like any city anywhere in the world.

  2. hey...  im an 18 yr old girl...i live in London. i did the EF program last year i was 17 also, i stayed with a host family. the whole EF thing is the best thing ever i had the most fun, met new people from everywhere in the world including 2american girls who after a year im still friends with. It so happens that i'm going again this year june30th and staying at Villa St. Exupery, from the people i met there last year who stayed at the villa they said its a really fun place to be only bad thing is that its 35mins from town sucks but other then that its kool. Speakin as someone whos been to Nice & been to EF it will be life changing, i had a great time thats why i'm going back again & also to learn french of course. You have nothing to worry about what so ever u will love it everyone else did & half of us r going back. I'm 18 now & if theres anywhere a girl can really have fun its in the south of france so i cant wait to go. if u have anymore questions email me.

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